Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24 - March 2, 2014

The graduate minor in Latin American Studies will require the student to complete 12 graduate hours; 8 of the hours must be at the 500-level.
  • Area Coursework: A minimum of 8 graduate hours at the 400/500-level from courses in two different departments approved by CLACS every semester. The Center updates and posts approved courses in our website and announce them through our listserv. Our Center has approximately 104 faculty affiliated from different departments in campus, and we approve their courses as part of our curriculum. The Center will record the approved courses on a master list to be kept in the unit that will be used to certify that students took approved courses during their studies in the minor.
  • Language Component: At least 4 hours in language coursework taken in any Latin American language (Portuguese, Spanish or Native American Language or Haitian Creole) while enrolled in the Graduate Minor program.
  • In the case that not enough or advance language courses are offered, The Center also accepts as equivalent area courses taught in these languages, i.e. literature class taught in Portuguese or Spanish.
  • If the chosen language course is at the 400-or 500 level it may count towards the required 12 hours for Graduate Minor. We anticipate that students registering in the Minor already have knowledge of Latin American language.
  • If the Student's Master's thesis or doctoral dissertation deals with a country from Latin America and the Caribbean, we advise students in this minor to speak with their advisor about including a committee member from the minor area.
  • We recommend that the courses taken for the minor not be applied to course requirements in the students' Master's or PhD program


MONDAY, February 24, 2014



Damarys Canache 
"Determinants of Perceived Discrimination in Latin America"
Department of Political Science
University of Illinois

TODAY, Monday, February 24
12:00-1:20 pm                      
404 David Kinley Hall 

The spring schedule is pasted below and can also be found on the CPW website:


MONDAY, February 24
Authors Corner, 2nd Floor, Illini Union Bookstore

Brazilian author J.P. Cuenca and his English language translator, Elizabeth Lowe, Director of the U. of I. Center for Translation Studies will present a reading from the recent translation of Cuenca's book "The Only Happy Ending for a Love Story Is an Accident," on Monday, Feb. 24, at the Authors Corner of the Illini Union Bookstore, from 4-5 p.m.
The work was featured at the 2013 Frankfurt Book Fair, where the honored country was Brazil. Set in Tokyo in a not-too-distant future, this novel tells the story of Shunsuke, a salary man, and his complicated relationship with his mad poet father, Mr. Okuda, whose hobby is spying on his son. When Shunsuke falls in love with Iulana, a maelstrom of jealousy is set in motion that culminates in abduction and death.
In poetic and imaginative language, Cuenca subtly interweaves reality, and fiction, creating a dreamlike world whose palpable characters, including a silicon doll, leave a lasting impression. Written like a crime novel, full of odd events and reminiscent of Haruki Murakami's work, this disturbing, kaleidoscopic story of voyeurism and perversion draws the reader in from the first page.
The ensuing discussion between the author, translator and audience will focus on new trends in Brazilian literature, that place the author and his characters squarely on the global stage. Just as translation is a border-crossing activity, the writing coming from contemporary new writers of Brazil and Latin America is transnational in nature, illuminating both the experience of cultural otherness and epistemological otherness derived from their experiences as global travelers and citizens.
Cuenca was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1978. He is the author of three novels: Corpo Presente (2003), O dia Mastroianni (2007), O único final feliz para uma história de amor é um acidente (2010) and a play titled Terror. In 2007 he was selected by the Hay Festival and the Bogotá Capital Mundial del Libro as one of the 39 most distinguished young authors of Latin America. In 2012 he was chosen as one of the 29 best Brazilian writers under 40 by Granta Magazine.
Lowe translates Brazilian literature from the 19th-21st centuries. She was recognized by the Brazilian Academy of Letters for lifetime achievement in the translation of Brazilian literature, and has lectured on translation at universities around the world.
Cuenca is visiting the University of Illinois and Indiana University as part of a tour of U.S. universities to meet with students and faculty to talk about new trends in Brazilian literature and culture. 



International Studies Building
PILAR EGÜEZ GUEVARA, Department of Kinesiology and Community Health, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

For centuries, coconut has been a basic staple in the traditional diet of the people of Esmeraldas, a province located to the north eastern region of Ecuador with a majority population of African descent. Elders recall the old days when coconut was eaten in various forms at least three times daily. Based on fieldwork conducted in Ecuador this past January, I examine the political, economic and racial contexts, and the implications of the dramatic decrease in coconut consumption among the people of Esmeraldas over the past few decades. In particular, I explore the phenomenon of "food gentrification," as seen in the conflicting values and beliefs about coconut and in its commercialization, which draws Esmeraldeños away from their native foods, while simultaneously bringing them to major cities branded as "healthy." This research is part of an ongoing audio-visual and research project that documents the value in traditional food practices in Ecuador. Learn more at

The Lemann Institute's partner, the Fundacao Lemann, is again offering the Faculty Travel Grant Program. The purpose of the program is to help build linkages between the Fundacao Lemann's partner universities (Illinois, Harvard, Columbia, UCLA, Stanford, and Yale) and Brazilian universities in the STEM fields. All the details about this program are described at:

The first deadline is February 28.  For more information contact Mary Arends-Kuenning (

Thanks to the generous support of Professors Joseph Love (History-Emeritus) and Werner Baer (Economics), the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies announces the competition   for TWO fellowships to graduate students working in Latin America.

WHO CAN APPLY: Any graduate student at any level in their studies, from any department, from any nationality.
REQUIREMENTS: Research for at least minimum 4 weeks either on summer or during the academic year.
REPORT: Students should report the donors within a month of their return from Latin America.  If the students are going to the field for the first time, they should participate in the Tinker workshop held in late October every year.
RESTRICTIONS: Grant money cannot be used for conference or course registration, or for intensive language workshops or field schools. The subject of investigation may be related to dissertation research
It is acceptable to use other grants in conjunction with this grant.

- Submit 1 PDF electronically to Angelina Cotler (
- Write in the subject Line: Love & Kilby Fellowships   
- Deadline:  Monday, March 3rd, 2014

The Graduate College invites proposals from faculty and graduate students for 2014-2015 Focal Point projects.  The full Request for Proposals (RFP) is available at on the Graduate College website at Focal Point seeks to stimulate the formation of new intellectual communities and interdisciplinary research activities among faculty and graduate students. Proposals should be uploaded to the Graduate College website by March 21, 2014.

The 2014 Focal Point RFP solicits proposals from a broad range of topics.  We especially encourage new proposals for:
·         collaborative research communities addressing issues of domestic under-represented minorities in graduate education, aligning with the campus’s diversity initiatives, such as Illinois EDGE (Enhancing Diversity, Guiding Excellence).  Such projects may also propose collaborations with domestic institutions to strengthen diversity in graduate education.
·         project teams who collaborate with international institutions or NGOs to establish new partnerships for graduate education in the pursuit of innovative topics with international/global impact.

We welcome Phase II proposals that build upon successful projects and provide new directions and opportunities for graduate students.

This year, the Graduate College is pleased to announce a new option for Focal Point proposals:   Focal Point Breakthrough grants for potentially transformative projects.

We invite all graduate students and faculty interested in developing Focal Point proposals to attend information sessions on:
                Monday, January 27, 2014, 4-5pm, Coble Hall, Room 304
Friday, January 31, 2014, 11am-12noon, Coble Hall, Room 304

  •   IPRH Prizes for Research in the Humanities, 2013–14
IPRH has recognized outstanding humanities research in numerous ways during its sixteen-year existence. The IPRH Prizes for Research in the Humanities allow us to celebrate excellence in humanities scholarship, and we are pleased to solicit submissions and nominations for the 2013–14 academic year. These prizes recognize outstanding humanities research at the University of Illinois, with awards given at the undergraduate, graduate, and faculty levels. The awards will be presented at a reception on May 6, 2014. Submissions are invited from scholars in all sectors of the university with focus on the humanities and humanities-inflected research.
 Eligibility: The awards are open to all full-time U of I students and tenured and tenure-track faculty.
 Application deadline: Friday, March 14, 2014 by 5:00 p.m.
 Submission procedures: All submissions must be accompanied by a completed nomination form, which can be downloaded from the IPRH website. The submissions must contain NO references to the applicant’s name or other identifying details. Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will be disqualified from consideration.
Please email the submission and the nomination form as two separate attached pdf documents to Please note that scans of journals or book pages are not acceptable. Submissions should be in manuscript form, double-spaced, with all identifying details removed, and conform to the length limitations. For specific funding information and application guidelines for each application category, please consult the IPRH website: note that the IPRH website is in the process of being redesigned and that this link may break when the new IPRH website goes live later this semester, but the information will be attainable under the "Programs" section on our website.)
  Questions about these awards and the nomination procedures should be addressed to Nancy Castro at

The Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII) and the University Libraries' Latin American Collections at the University of New Mexico are pleased to invite applications for the Richard E. Greenleaf Visiting Library Scholar award for 2014-2015. The deadline for applications is Monday, April 21, 2014 by 5:00 PM.

The Richard E. Greenleaf Visiting Library Scholar award provides individuals the opportunity to work as visiting researchers with the University of New Mexico's Latin American library collections, one of the largest and most complete Latin or Spanish American collections in the country.  Invited to apply are scholars (U.S. and international), junior faculty (U.S.) and graduate students (U.S.) who specialize in Latin America and Iberia. The award honors Dr. Richard E. Greenleaf, distinguished scholar of colonial Latin American history, and his extensive career in teaching, research, and service.  

Recipients of the Richard E. Greenleaf Visiting Library Scholar award will work to promote scholarly use of the Latin American and Iberian collections, focusing on objectives with specific relevance to the UNM Library collections.  Scholars will have the opportunity to present their research to faculty and students during their visit to UNM and to submit a brief report. LAII will assist awardees in identifying and networking with UNM scholars in relevant fields.
The LAII will make one long-term (minimum two months) award for $8,000.00 and at least one short-term (minimum two weeks) $2,000.00 awards to help defray travel and housing costs for Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Proposed research may be conducted any time between June 1, 2014 and July 31, 2015. The LAII's Operations Committee will award the grants based on the relevance of the proposal to the unique holdings of UNM University Libraries, the merits and significance of the project, and the applicant's scholarly qualifications.

This year special consideration will be given to projects that utilize UNM's Ibarra Collection. The Ibarra collection documents the personal, social, and political life of the Ibarra family and its associates in 18th, 19th and 20th century Venezuela. It consists of photos, book and newspaper publications as well as family, political, and business documents. While most of the material relates primarily to Ibarra family history with photos, documents and charts; some documents also address elements of South American history, including material related to Simon Bolivar. Of particular interest in these manuscripts are hard-to-find Venezuelan newspapers and unpublished poems within the papers of women in the family. For an inventory of the documents in this collection please see:

For applications and further information please visit the LAII website:

Questions may be directed to: LAII Graduate Assistant for Grants and Awards at
  •     CONVOCATORIA XVII Congreso de AHILA "Entre Espacios: La historia latinoamericana en el contexto global"

September 9-13, 2014
Berlin, Germany

Con el primer viaje a América, realizado por Cristóbal Colón en 1492, comienza un intenso proceso de movimientos entre los continentes, que continúa estando vigente aún en nuestros días y que se ha ido intensificando a través de los siglos. Mediante los movimientos y los autores que los realizan, surgen nuevos espacios, no sólo en Latinoamérica sino también entre las Américas y en relación con otras regiones del globo. Al mismo tiempo se pueden constatar aquí entre-espacios que permiten cuestionar las visiones tradicionales mediante una investigación innovativa acerca de los procesos transnacionales, transregionales y transculturales. La globalización, por lo tanto, se analizará de forma policéntrica, desde la perspectiva de América Latina, y no como se ha venido haciendo, primordialmente, desde la europea o el mundo anglosajón. La historia latinoamericana está caracterizada por tres fases decisivas de la globalización: la época colonial, la finisecular del siglo XIX y principios del XX, y la historia reciente.

En el Congreso de 2014 se cuestionarán cuáles son los movimientos y los actores que construyen los nuevos entrelazamientos de Latinoamérica en relación con otras regiones del mundo. ¿Qué ideas cognitivas, culturales y políticas estaban y siguen estando entrelazadas entre estos espacios?

Así pues, el aspecto de la conexión cobra una especial importancia. El desarrollo de la economía mundial y de las corrientes financieras y comerciales son, en este caso, tan relevantes como los movimientos contrarios que las socavan como, por ejemplo, el contrabando y el robo. Los movimientos humanos, las migraciones, el turismo, etc., han creado multitudes de movimientos entre espacios en y alrededor de América Latina, que habría que analizar. El concepto de ‘glocalización’ demuestra que lo local y lo global no se excluyen necesariamente desde el punto de vista conceptual. Aquí cabría preguntarse cómo las tendencias globales cambian y transforman lo local. La percepción y la representación impregnan sus propios espacios imaginativos y simbólicos.

Por ahora, quisiéramos pedirles que nos envíen sus propuestas para los simposios. Por favor, utilicen el formulario correspondiente que se encuentra en la página web ( y manden sus propuestas a: Se aceptarán propuestas hasta el 31 de marzo de 2013.

Proposal deadline: March 31, 2013
Contact information:
Additional information: for further information about the conference and registration, please visit: http://www.ahila2014.neT

22 y 23 de octubre de 2014
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México D.F.

Se ha escrito mucho sobre la amplitud de la globalización, pero aún es difícil saber cuál es su extensión y en qué ámbitos de la vida social y cotidiana es importante y en cuáles no. Si bien hay cierta claridad sobre las instituciones que se globalizan (el mercado, por ejemplo), no es fácil distinguir los discursos que lo hacen, ni su intensidad o profundidad. Algunos autores sostienen que a la par de la globalización de instituciones económicas y políticas, también se globaliza una forma de subjetividad. De la densa trama de los procesos globalizadores no sólo emergería un mundo homogéneo, intensamente conectado aunque desigual y violento, sino un tipo de sujeto que respondería, quizás por primera vez en la historia humana, a un patrón de subjetivación estándar. Esto es aún una hipótesis porque los procesos de globalización son relativamente recientes y desiguales, y es difícil mensurar la novedad histórica de un nuevo tipo de sujeto. No obstante, hay evidencia consistente de la gigantesca expansión de las industrias culturales occidentales en todo el planeta, especialmente de las estadounidenses, que producen signos, imágenes y discursos y promueven formas de subjetivación.

En este coloquio deseamos preguntarnos por los vínculos entre determinadas prácticas culturales, los procesos de globalización y las formas de subjetividad y subjetivación que pueden ser rastreadas en ellos. Nuestro interés es discutir estos vínculos en el contexto de América Latina, considerando la expansión de las industrias culturales estadounidenses en el continente y su incidencia en la producción cultural y subjetiva local, con particular énfasis en las prácticas de consumo.

Líneas temáticas: Consumo e industrias culturales, medios de comunicación y nuevas tecnologías, culturas juveniles y urbanas, cine, literatura y artes plásticas, relaciones de género y sexualidades diversas, formas de trabajo, formas de hacer política y movimientos sociales, migración y diásporas, espiritualidad y religión, nuevas formas de subjetivación, transformaciones del capitalismo.

Proposal deadline: 30 de abril 2014
Contact information: coloquioglobalizació

Los interesados/as deben enviar un reumen (abstract) de 300 palabras antes del 30 de abril de 2014, especificando su adscripción y categoría. El 30 de mayo se dará aviso a los/as participantes aceptados/as.

Additional information:
Organizadores: Dra. Nattie Golubov, Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte, UNAM y Mtro. Rodrigo Parrini, Depto. de Educacion y Comunicación, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Xochimilco.


Octubre, 9 al 12, 2015
Universidad de Santiago de Chile, USACH


  1. Contribuir al diálogo e intercambio entre las diversas disciplinas,
  2. Fomentar la discusión sobre la tarea intelectual mirando hacia el futuro de América Latina y del mundo
  3. Generar un gran movimiento de coordinación que comprenda a personas e instituciones que producen y difunden el conocimiento para desarrollar las fuerzas productivas intelectuales.
Proposal deadline: Junio 2014
Contact information:
Additional information:
Inscripción de simposios y pagos

Derecho a participación: Ponencistas, profesor@s universitari@s y profesionales de instituciones de investigación 95 USD

Ponencistas, estudiantes de postgrado 70 USD

Estudiantes de pre-grado y participantes sin ponencia 40 USD o 25.000 pesos chilenos, se inscribirán durante el congreso.



  • Graduate College Career Development Office is sponsoring a Dissertation Completion Workshop, facilitated by Dr. Greg Lambeth. The workshop will address common hurdles students encounter during the dissertation process, including issues of motivation, procrastination, and perfectionism. Students will take away valuable strategies for overcoming those issues, developing time management techniques, and managing large projects, as well as learn how to determine which tools may be most effective for them. Dr. Lambeth, a clinical psychologist at the Counseling Center and liaison to the Graduate College, has been leading events related to dissertation writing for over 15 years.

We encourage you to invite students to attend this useful interactive workshop, regardless of their stage in the dissertation process. The Dissertation Completion Workshop is a free event, open to all Illinois graduate students, and will take place from 1:00-4:00 pm on February 28th at the Levis Faculty Center, 3rd Floor. Advanced registration is required.

If you or students in your department have questions regarding registration or details of the workshop, please contact the Graduate College Career Development Office at (217) 333-4610 or



This newly expanded course for UIUC undergraduates offers 6 weeks in Ecuador over the summer and 6 credit hours awarded in the spring. The course includes theoretical explorations of development and education, an ethnographic field school, and service learning abroad. The course begins in the second half of the spring semester with a theoretical and practical orientation led by Prof. Kate Grim-Feinberg, who specializes in elementary education in the Andes. While abroad, students engage in service learning by creating and conducting a month-long summer enrichment experience for children in the small, lower income community of Lumbisí, just outside of Quito. Students also conduct ethnographic inquiry projects guided by anthropologist Julie Williams, professor at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Students spend 6 weeks in Lumbisí and live with families in the community. Some knowledge of Spanish is highly recommended but not required. Contact Prof. Kate Grim-Feinberg or Adam Heinz with questions.

Dates abroad: June 29-August 9, 2014 

Application deadline: March 1, 2014.
For more information and to apply for the course through the Study Abroad Office, go to

Information Sessions
Dates: Mon, Feb 10 and Wed, Feb 26
Time: 4-5 pm
Location: 200 International Studies Building

*             Engage in a service-learning opportunity to create and conduct a month-long summer enrichment experience for children in a small, lower income community just outside of Quito.
*             Focus on education as a factor in human and national development.
*             Explore local society and culture through ethnographic inquiry projects.
*             Live with families in the community, and travel to different areas in Ecuador to experience first-hand the cultural and natural diversity that Ecuador offers.
*             Earn 6 U of I credits and spend 6 weeks abroad!

The off-campus portion of this course will take place in Lumbisi, Ecuador, from June 29-August 9, 2014.

June 2014

The Center for Social Well Being celebrates 13 years offering our 3 week training program in interdisciplinary qualitative field methods, as well as Spanish and Quechua language classes, in the Peruvian Andes. The combined undergraduate and graduate level seminar is held at the center's rural base, an adobe lodge on an ecological ranch in the Cordillera Blanca mountain range of the Callejón de Huaylas, 7 hours northeast of Lima. Coursework provides in-depth orientation to theory and practice in field investigation that emphasizes methods in Participatory Action Research and Andean Ethnography centered on themes of Climate Change with respect to Ecology, Health, Education, AgroBiodiversity, Community Organization and related topics. Students have the opportunity to actively engage in ongoing investigations in local agricultural communities to develop effective field research techniques, and to acquire language skills. In addition, the program provides excursions to museums, archaeological sites, glacial lakes and hotsprings; optional recreational activities include hiking, mountain biking, rafting, kayaking, rock climbing and trekking. The program tuition fee is $4000 US dollars that includes all in-country travel, food and accommodations at the rural center, and course materials. The program is under the direction of Applied Medical Anthropologist, Patricia J. Hammer, Ph.D., and Flor de María Barreto Tosi, Ecologist and Field Coordinator. 

Program dates:
June Solstice Session       June 8th 2012 through 28th 2014
Please contact us for other potential program dates for 2014.
For an application:
For further program information:


This year La Poderosa Media Project offers two workshops as part of its regular summer program: 

- Fiction short film
- Ethnographic documentary 

Watch the award winning short film produced by last year's students here:

For information on how to apply contact or learn more at 



  •   Assistant Professor -Departmento de Ciencias Sociales y Politicas at the Universidad Católica del Uruguay

1 Full-Time position in Sociology, at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin no later than March 2015. Completion, or near completion (December 2014), of a PhD is required. We seek scholars with strong interest and training in at least one of the following subareas: research methods, public policy, economic sociology, historical sociology or social stratification. The successful candidate will have experience in conducting fieldwork and conducting research that is guided by questions of larger theoretical importance.

The position involves a 2-2 course load, advising of undergraduate and graduate theses, and the development of an ambitious research agenda. Working conditions, remuneration, and career prospects will be competitive with respect to regional standards and commensurate with the experience of the person selected. Successful candidates will be fluent in Spanish and English and will have a concern with social responsibility and the ethical implications of knowledge and action.

Deadline: Review of applications will begin on April 16th 2014 and will continue until the positions are filled.
Minimum Requirements: Completion, or near completion (December 2014), of a PhD is required.
Documents Required:
Prospective candidates should upload a letter of interest, a CV, a sample of undergraduate syllabus and up to 2 writing samples, to the following application webpage (Ref: UCU/Humanas/17/1/2014); and three letters of recommendation via email to Lic. María Damiano at, Department of Social and Political Science, Universidad Católica del Uruguay by email (Subject: DCSP-SOC opening).

Contact Information:
María Damiano (

  •      Tenure-track Assistant Professor Division of Humanities & Social Sciences -University of New Haven

Search #14-08

The Division of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of New Haven invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Latin American Studies beginning Fall 2014. We are seeking an individual to help us build interdisciplinary collaborations with one or more areas at the university (for example, business, national security, environmental studies, engineering or the arts). Focus area (Mexico, Southern Cone, Caribbean, Brazil, etc.) is open. Fluency in Spanish and/or Portuguese. Candidates should have PhD in hand at time of appointment or expected by August 2014. Record of excellence in teaching and a commitment to experiential education.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching and research statements, evidence of teaching experience (including course syllabi and student feedback if available), and the names and contact information of three references to You must reference the search number #14-08 in the subject line of the email to help ensure proper delivery. ou may also mail this information to:

Search #14-08
Human Resources Department
University of New Haven
300 Boston Post Road, West Haven, CT 06516

Review of applications will begin March 1, 2014 and continue until a successful candidate is selected.

The University of New Haven is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply.

Contact Us:

Deadline: 03/12/2014
Contact Information:
Contact Us:

  •        Assistant Professor - Latin American & Latino Studies (Sociology) in New York New York United States

The Department of Sociology and the Program in Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS) at The City College of New York (CCNY), invite applications for a tenure track position as Assistant Professor to begin Fall 2014. The teaching and service requirements of the position will be divided between LALS and Sociology, which already share faculty and students.
The search committee seeks applications from candidates who do qualitative sociological research primarily on gender and the Latino diaspora in the U.S., and who might specialize in one of the following areas: cultural, race/ethnic, or postcolonial studies, health, transnationalism, or immigration. Preference will be given to candidates with expertise in Cuban, Dominican, and/or Puerto Rican studies.
The successful candidate, once hired, is expected to fulfill the College's requirements with regard to teaching, research, record of publications, and service to the institution.
Inaugurated in 2013, the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership (formerly the Division of Social Science) comprises the departments of anthropology, economics, political Science, psychology, and sociology and interdisciplinary programs in international relations, international Studies, Latin American and Latino Studies, mental health counseling, pre-law, public service management, and women's studies, and through Skadden, Arps, the Honors Program for Legal Studies. The school also houses the Ph.D. program in clinical psychology offered by the CUNY Graduate Center and the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute. The school's hallmark values of service and leadership permeate every aspect of its work and animate City College's unflagging and historic commitment to access and excellence.

QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates should have a Ph.D. and show potential for productive scholarly activity and a commitment to undergraduate teaching.

COMPENSATION: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
CUNY offers faculty a competitive compensation and benefits package covering health insurance, pension and retirement benefits, paid parental leave, and savings programs. We also provide mentoring and support for research, scholarship, and publication as part of our commitment to ongoing faculty professional development.

Visit, access the employment page, log in or create a new user account, and search for this vacancy using the Job ID (10185) or Title. Select "Apply Now" and provide the requested information.
Candidates should submit a cover letter of interest, a C.V., a writing sample, and contact information for three references.
To apply, submit through CUNYFirst and send your documents to:
Any inquiries should be sent to:

CLOSING DATE: The review of applications will begin March 15th, 2014 and continue until the position is filled.

Job Title: Assistant Professor - Latin American & Latino Studies (Sociology)
Job ID: 10185
Location: City College of New York
Full/Part Time: Full-Time
Regular/Temporary: Regular




Angelina Cotler, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies 
Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
201 International Studies Building
910 S. Fifth Street
Champaign, IL 61820
Ph: (217) 333-8419
Fax: (217): 244-7333

1 comment:

  1. Great newsletter! The latest CLACS and Lemann Institute reviews offer valuable insights. I appreciate the in-depth coverage and updates definitely a great resource for staying informed. Keep it up!
