Quechua @ CLACS


Hamurikuychik / Come to us / Vengan con nosotros

                                                                                                                                                                              Takllata apastin buwiskunata qatichkanku.
[plow-carrying the oxen they are driving]
They are driving the oxen while carrying the plow.

For more than 20 years CLACS has offered Quechua classes at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The quechua language, spoken by about 10 million people in the Andes and Amazonian regions of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, and in Bolivia and Argentina, is the largest Native American language in the Americas. Quechua was the official language of the Inca Empire.
CLACS Quechua's classes are led by Profofessor Sixto Clodoaldo Soto (s-soto3@illinois.edu), a native speaker of Ayacucho Quechua from Peru. Proffesor Soto is a linguist with vast experience in teaching.  He is regularly recognized as an outstanding teacher by the students at the University of Illinois.

One of the most respected Quechua pedagogues, he is the author of highly regarded grammars,Quechua-Spanish-English Dictionary and language course materials published with prestigious publishing houses in Peru. 


No 38, Spring 2015


Online Quechua Course Components

Course Description

The Online Quechua course itself is divided into six parts, an introductory unit and Units 1-5. Each unit also is divided in two parts, Par I and Part II. Each of these contains specific grammatical topics to be practiced.

Students registering for unit credit for the first two terms must first present satisfactory evidence of knowledge of the language at the elementary level, either in the form of credit earned at another institution or by passing a proficiency examination.
COURSE CONTENT: One semester course sample
This course includes three major types of components:
  • Core Content: Texts, Reinforcement Exercises, Classroom Exercises I, Classroom Exercises II, Laboratory I, Laboratory II, Readings
  • Concept Presentation: Terms, Vocabulary, Lectures, Pre-listening Exercises, Presentation exercises
  • Evaluation Section: Evaluation Exercises, Quizzes, Exams, Oral Exams
for more information, please visit:

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