Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2- 8, 2015

The graduate minor in Latin American Studies will require the student to complete 12 graduate hours; 8 of the hours must be at the 500-level.
Area Coursework: A minimum of 8 graduate hours at the 400/500-level from courses in two different departments approved by CLACS every semester.
The Center updates and posts approved courses in our website and announce them through our listserv. Our Center has approximately 104 faculty affiliated from different departments
in campus, and we approve their courses as part of our curriculum. The Center will record the approved courses on a master list to be kept in the unit that will be used to certify that students
took approved courses during their studies in the minor.
Language Component: At least 4 hours in language coursework taken in any Latin American language (Portuguese, Spanish or Native American Language or Haitian Creole) while enrolled
in the Graduate Minor program. In the case that not enough or advance language courses are offered, The Center also accepts as equivalent area courses taught in these languages, i.e. literature class
taught in Portuguese or Spanish. If the chosen language course is at the 400-or 500 level it may count towards the required 12 hours for Graduate Minor. We anticipate that students registering in the
Minor already have knowledge of Latin American language. If the Student's Master's thesis or doctoral dissertation deals with a country from Latin America and the Caribbean, we advise students in
this minor to speak with their advisor about including a committee member from the minor area.  We recommend that the courses taken for the minor not be applied to course requirements in the students' Master's or PhD program

  •       The University Library has arranged a trial of the online resource “Gran Enciclopedia Iberoamericana.” The trial will end on November 9, 2015. Please check it out and send me your thoughts or comments.
“Gran Enciclopedia Iberoamericana is much more than a Universal Hispanic Encyclopedia, it offers a large number of contents and additional access to many reference works and monographs. It counts with 8 reference databases executed by a wide international team with the best specialists on each area of work and experts on lexicography. We offer a completely updated On-line content, with 200 million words, More than 120,000 articles, 38.000 biographies, more than 50,000 images, maps, videos and many other additional contents. Certainly, it is a unique reference work directed to the users of the 21st century.”

  •      NEW COURSES FOR SPRING 2016                                                                                                                                                             


FLAS Fellowships support undergraduate and graduate study in modern foreign languages in combination with area studies, international studies, or international or area aspects of professional studies. The following languages, classified by Center, are approved by the U.S. Department of Education for FLAS fellowships at Illinois. Undergraduate fellowships are only available for intermediate to advanced study of less commonly taught languages, which are defined as modern languages other than Spanish, German or French.
For more details on how to apply visit the FLAS website for UIUC:
Any Questions contact Alejandra Seufferheld
If a language is offered by more than one center, students can apply to all Centers that offer the language. For example, Portuguese is offered by EUC and CGS. If you are applying to study Portuguese you can apply to two centers at the same time. You do not need to submit separate on-line application forms (please simply check all the centers to which you apply on the form) but need to submit a complete set of supporting documents for each center to which you are applying.
Information Sessions
  • Thursday, December 3
  •  Friday, December 4
  •  126 GSLIS
  •  4-5pm
Co-Sponsoring by the Department of Linguistics
Lucy Ellis Lounge

Prof. ROBERTO ZARIQUEY, Professor of Linguistics. Catholic University of Peru
This talk discusses linguistic expression attested in Kakataibo (Panoan, Peru) for situating the information presented by the speaker from the perspective of the addressee. The constructions discussed can satisfactorily be accounted for by means of the notions of epistemic status and epistemic stance, which have to do with the knowing status of the participants of the speech act and how it is expressed in grammar. Salient characteristics of the mechanisms used in Kakataibo to encode addressee’s perspective are the diversity of the relevant forms, which come from two different paradigms, and the semantic and pragmatic features that play a role in their distribution. 
Lucy Ellis Lounge

MATTHEW J. MARR, Associate Professor of Spanish, Penn State

More calamitous in Spain as a rise-and-fall drama than on nearly any other geographic stage (e.g., by the mid-2000s, the level of Spanish homeownership had come to surpass 85%, some 25-30% higher than in Germany or the U.S., and Spain’s economy becomes disproportionately structured around the construction sector), a massive boom-and-bust unfolds just as the nation emerges from its post-dictatorial transition to democracy: a generation-long process (1975-1996) which had arguably reestablished Spain as an eminent European power: that is, at least on paper. On the silver screen, contemporary Spanish filmmakers’ genre-diverse fixation with stories, characters, imagery, settings, and even—as this lecture will foreground in an analysis of El cielo gira (Mercedes Álvarez, 2004)—soundscapes connected to real estate, construction, and the spatial and affective experience of homeplaces (house, apartment, neighborhood, village) is manifest in several important films produced not only after the upheaval of the 2008 crash (as might be expected, given the shock waves it produces) but, indeed, during the boom years leading up to the bursting of the bubble. This talk will contextualize this filmic phenomenon not only in relation to a broader and still emerging vision of contemporary crisis-era cinema, but also with respect to an extant tradition of Spanish moving pictures—beginning in the 1950s—which privileges the motif of immovable property, especially vis-à-vis housing and a kind of national “home romance.
JEFFREY M. PILCHER, Prof. History. University of Toronto Scarborough

101 International Studies Building

The field of mobility studies has coalesced in the past decade to explore the connections between the movements of people, goods, and ideas—from individual migrants to international trade, local strolls to long-distance travel, and particularly the relationships between people and things that move and those that remain sedentary. Such multi-sited and scalar analysis is particularly useful in examining the rise of European lager beer as a global consumer good. Societies around the world have long produced grain-based and other fermented beverages that could be translated as “beer,” but a particular variety of Central European lager has become a ubiquitous over the past two hundred years as a result of trade, migration, and colonialism. This paper surveys the rise of beer in Latin American societies by examining the interactions between local drinking cultures and the European merchants and migrants who introduced lager beer in the nineteenth century. It will also consider the global networks of brewing professionals and trade in malt, hops, and machinery that enabled the growth of local breweries. In little more than a hundred years, Latin Americans have gone from neophytes to dominant players in the global brewing industry, between the Mexican export Corona’s widespread popularity and Brazilian managerial control of the world’s largest brewing firm, AB-Inbev.
Jeffrey Pilcher has been a leading figure in the emerging scholarly field of food history. From an early research focus on Mexico and Latin America, he has expanded his scope to food in world history. He is the author of ¡Que vivan los tamales! Food and the Making of Mexican Identity (1998), The Sausage Rebellion: Public Health, Private Enterprise, and Meat in Mexico City (2006), and Food in World History (2006). His latest book, Planet Taco: A Global History of Mexican Food (2012), seeks to historicize authenticity and show how Mexico’s national cuisine developed through global interactions, particularly with Mexican American cooks. His current book project examines the world history of beer over the past two hundred years, following the spread of European lager through networks of trade, migration, and empire. The research moves between the global and the local to explore how European brews became situated within the drinking cultures of Mexican pulque, Japanese sake, and South African sorghum beer, among others.

GILBERTO HOCHMAN, Professor of the History of Science, Medicine and Public Health at the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/FIOCRUZ


101 International Studies Building

The presentation will explore the trajectory of a group of physicians and scientists affiliated both to the field of medical parasitology and to the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) during the Brazilian democratic experience of 1945-64, deeply marked by the Cold War. In particular, it will address the group’s agenda for medical science and public health based on a unique combination of parasitology and socialism that was forged under the leadership of Samuel Barnsley Pessoa (1898-1976), Professor of the School of Medicine, University of São Paulo. An internationalist and communist militant, Samuel Pessoa had formed a generation of scientists and physicians highly recognized (and many times persecuted) in Brazil and abroad. Pessoa and his group were prioritized targets of the first wave of persecutions, imprisonments and suspension of political rights following the 1964 military coup. The trajectory of this group is an important and less known chapter of the Brazilian public health and science in the context of the developmentalism, democracy and the Cold War.

Gilberto Hochman is Researcher and Professor at the History of Sciences and Health Unit of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Rio de Janeiro, and holds a PhD in Political Science. His areas of research and teaching are Social Policies in historical perspective; Global Health, History of Public Health; Health and disease and poverty in the Brazilian Social and Political Ideas. Gilberto Hochman had published articles, chapters and edited volumes on these themes, the most recent of which is “Médicos Intérpretes do Brasil” (Hucitec Editora, 2015).  His ongoing research is on international programs and social policies in Brazil and on the relations between health, democracy and development (1945-64). His forthcoming book “State, Nation and Public Health in Brazil (1889-1930)” will be published by the Illinois University Press.



Llamado a presentar trabajos

Les invitamos a someter trabajos para el primer número de la revista electrónica Investigación Cualitativa (e-ISSN en trámite), publicación del Grupo de Interés Especial (SIG) de Investigación Cualitativa en Español y Portugués de la Asociación Internacional de Investigación Cualitativa (IAQI). La revista Investigación Cualitativa ha sido creada como un espacio pluralista, crítico y democrático que promueve, en nuestros idiomas, la reflexión sobre metodologías cualitativas y la apertura a la diversidad de acercamientos de investigación cualitativa que circulan actualmente en nuestros países en el mundo. Investigación Cualitativa se interesa especialmente en manuscritos que incluyan propuestas metodológicas críticas y experimentales orientadas a la justicia social y a la descolonización disciplinaria. Investigación Cualitativa recibe artículos centrados en aspectos metodológicos y no investigaciones temáticas.
La fecha última para recibir artículos es el 30 de noviembre del 2015. Los trabajos deberán ser enviados al correo electrónico de la revista:, siguiendo las normas que se especifican en el siguiente apartado. La notificación de aceptación para revisión se realizará durante el mes de diciembre de 2015. A más tardar el 15 de febrero del 2016 se notificará si fue o no aceptado. La publicación de este número, será en el mes de abril del 2016.

Información para la preparación de las contribuciones
La Revista Investigación Cualitativa acepta el envío para publicación de manuscritos escritos en español y portugués y que no hayan sido publicados anteriormente en otra revista. Los manuscritos son sometidos a revisión ciega de pares expertos en los distintos enfoques metodológicos de investigación cualitativa. Los pares revisores pueden recomendar su aceptación, su aceptación condicional a cambios propuestos por los pares revisores, o rechazarlos. En cada caso los autores recibirán los comentarios realizados por los revisores, junto con la notificación por parte de los editores, de aceptación, aceptación condicional o rechazo de su manuscrito.

Los manuscritos presentados a la Revista de Investigación Cualitativa deben ajustarse a los siguientes aspectos formales para ser considerados para revisión:

1.      Los manuscritos deben estar escritos en Word office.
2.      Los manuscritos deben estar escritos en letra New Time Roman, tamaño 12, a espacio simple, con márgenes regulares, con texto justificado y en tamaño en página tamaño carta.
3.      El título y subtítulos debe estar centrado, en negritas, y con las palabras principales en mayúscula. Los apartados al interior de los subtítulos deben estar justificados a la izquierda, en negritas y cursiva
4.      Debajo de cada título, subtitulo, y párrafo debe dejarse un espacio antes del texto que le sigue.
5.      Los manuscritos deben ajustarse en sus citas y referencias a las normas APA (Sexta edición).
6.      Debe tener presente que al someter un artículo para su publicación deber contar con los derechos para reproducir cualquier material que sea propiedad de terceros, sean figuras, dibujos, fotografías, música. Esto incluye los materiales publicados en Internet.
7.      En caso de requerirlo, use notas a pie de página y no al final. Solo se utilizarán las notas, para comentar o explicar algún concepto o idea. No para realizar citaciones textuales o contextuales.
8.      Los manuscritos deben seguir la siguiente estructura:
a.       Primera página:
i.       Título en español, portugués e inglés.
ii.       Nombres de él, la, los o las autores o autoras.
iii.       Grado y afiliación institucional de él, la, los o las autores o autoras.
iv.       Dirección postal y electrónica de él, la, los o las autores o autoras.
v.      Breve nota biográfica de él, la, los o las autores o autoras
b.      Segunda página:
i.       Resumen, con una extensión entre 100 y 150 palabras, estar escrito en español, portugués e inglés. Iniciando con el idioma original del trabajo y finalizando en inglés.
ii.       Cada resumen debe ser seguido de 3 a 5 palabras que deberán colocarse inmediatamente después del resumen en la versión del idioma correspondiente.
c.       El texto principal puede variar en estructura debido a la variedad de formas de escritura que hoy en día incorpora la investigación cualitativa. Con todo se recomienda la siguiente estructura: Introducción, texto principal, conclusión.
d.      Las referencias deben ser incluidas al final del artículo.
Cualquier  consulta  en  relación  con  la  revista  Investigación  Cualitativa  deberá dirigirse a nuestro correo electrónico ( )

October 13-15, 2016
Ohio State University

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 29, 2016

The Symposium on Indigenous Languages and Cultures of Latin America (ILCLA), organized in conjunction to the third Symposium on Teaching and Learning Indigenous Languages of Latin America (STLILLA 2016) brings together instructors, practitioners, activists, indigenous leaders, scholars and learners who study indigenous languages and cultures of Latin America and the Caribbean.
This international symposium engages participants in a hemispheric dialogue and also serves as a permanent forum for networking and exchanging ideas, experiences and research on methodological, theoretical, pedagogical, and practical issues from inter and trans-disciplinary perspectives. This forum will enable professionals from around the world to interact with leading experts in the fields of education, language policy and planning, linguistics, cultural studies, ethnomusicology, anthropology, informatics, and other disciplines. Through different venues such as keynotes presentations, panels, round tables, interactive workshops, poster sessions, and technological tool showcases, this symposium will contribute to the teaching and learning, dissemination and preservation, study and advancement of indigenous languages and cultures of the region. A peer-reviewed selection of the symposium proceedings will be published in alter/nativas, journal of latin american cultural studies.
Confirmed keynote speakers include Luis Cárcamo-Huechante (UT, Austin), and Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino (PUCP, Perú).
March 30- April 1, 2016
Caceres (Extremadura, Spain)

Conference devoted to the study of all aspects of Central American Literature; dialog between scholars and writers
Proposal deadline: January 31, 2016
Contact information: Jorge Roman-Lagunas (Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Purdue University Calumet)

Phone Number 219 989 2379; e-mail:

28 - 29 April 2016
UCL Institute of the Americas, 51 Gordon Square, London, WC1H OPN
The UCL Americas Research Network invites graduate students and early career researchers working on any aspect of the Americas to participate in our 2nd International Conference: ‘Ideas & Transformations in the Americas,’ featuring keynote speeches by Prof Maxine Molyneux (UCL Institute of the Americas) and Prof Diane Negra (University College Dublin). With important elections coming up across the region in 2015-16 it is essential to pause and consider how ideas can transform the political, economic, social and cultural landscape across the Americas. We welcome papers from international researchers working across the humanities, the social sciences and beyond in order to create a dynamic, interdisciplinary conference that will showcase the depth and quality of emerging research on the Americas.
Proposal deadline: 14 December 2015



The Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese at the University of Virginia invites applications for a position in Latin American Studies, at the assistant professor (tenure-track) or associate professor (tenured) level. Anticipated start date is August 25, 2016. Applicants must have an excellent record of interdisciplinary research and teaching, with specializations in race, ethnicity, and/or migration in the Americas. This position is part of the Global South Initiative at the University of Virginia, a major interdisciplinary humanities initiative sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.  The Global South Initiative is dedicated to innovative research and teaching of border zones and cultural histories of race, empire, and diaspora in the interconnected regions of Africa, Asia, and the Americas.  We are especially interested in scholars of literature and/or culture who conceive the field of Latin American Studies within a Global South framework and in critical dialogue with other transnational fields, including Native/indigenous studies, migration studies, American studies, Asian Pacific studies, African diaspora studies, and studies of ethnicity, race and racialization. The successful candidate will be appointed for the first two years as an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow of the Institute of Humanities and Global Cultures, an appointment that will provide one course release per year.

Applicants at the assistant professor rank must be on track to receive a Ph.D. in a relevant field by May 2016 and must hold a PhD at the time of appointment. Candidates applying at the rank of assistant professor should provide one journal article and one chapter from a book or dissertation. 

Applicants at the associate professor rank must hold a Ph.D. at the time of application and must have a strong publication and teaching record. Candidates applying at the rank of associate professor should provide two journal articles and one chapter from a book.

To apply, candidates must submit a Candidate Profile through Jobs@UVa (, search on 0617532 and attach the following: curriculum vitae, cover letter describing scholarly accomplishments and teaching experience, 1-2 pp. teaching statement, and a representative sample of course evaluations (attach to Other 1). Applicants applying at the assistant professor rank needs to attach 1 journal article and 1 chapter from a book or dissertation (attach to Writing Sample 1 and Writing Sample 2). Applicants applying to the associate professor rank need to attach 2 recent articles (attach to Writing Sample 1 and Writing Sample 2), and 1 book chapter (attach to Other 2).

Under separate cover by mail or email, please arrange for three confidential letters of reference to be sent to:

Gustavo Pellón, Chair of the Search Committee,
Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
P.O. Box 400777, 
Charlottesville, VA 22904

Priority will be given to applications received by Dec. 1, 2015 in selecting candidates for preliminary interviews at the MLA Convention in Austin, TX, Jan. 7-10, 2016 or by Skype for selected candidates not attending the MLA. We will notify by Dec. 20, 2015 those applicants the committee has selected to submit additional materials for review. Review of applications will begin on Dec. 1, 2015. The search will remain open until filled.

Questions about applying in Jobs@UVa should be directed to Tally Sanford,

 The University of New Mexico Honors College invites applications for a tenure-track, Assistant Professor position from scholars in the areas of Latin American Studies, Latina/o Studies, Chicana/o Studies or Native American/Indigenous Studies. This is a probationary appointment leading to a tenure decision in UNM’s interdisciplinary Honors College. The successful candidate is expected to teach a minimum of two courses per semester, mentor undergraduate students, and conduct on-going research in one or more areas of the Humanities as relevant to the above subjects of inquiry. The Honors College is an interdisciplinary college within the University of New Mexico that offers unique academic opportunities to high-achieving, highly motivated undergraduate students from all other of UNM colleges and schools through an active learning approach. We seek faculty with a student-centered philosophy, innovative ideas, and strong mentorship skills who are engaged in creative, seminar style, experimental teaching, and who can lead undergraduates in research activities and other forms of original scholarship. In addition, applicants must demonstrate a record of on-going scholarship and strong interpersonal skills.

Minimum Qualifications
1) Ph.D. in hand at time of application in a field within the Humanities (including English, History, American Studies, Folklore, Ethnic or Cultural Studies, Language, and Literature or similar, Humanities-focused Interdisciplinary or Integrative Studies) with
2) a focus in Latin American Studies, Latina/o Studies, Chicana/o Studies or Native American/Indigenous Studies;
3) Record of at least four semesters of undergraduate teaching experience;
4) Record of scholarly work appropriate for entry level faculty.

Preferred Qualifications
●      Research interests, teaching background, or prior academic degree connecting their scholarship to the Latin America, American Southwest, and/or Borderlands;
●      Demonstrated excellence with cross-cultural or multicultural content or perspectives in teaching, scholarship or program development, including intercultural and related-language experience, international study programs, or community-centered learning;
●      Demonstrated ability to teach inventive, active, and interdisciplinary seminar-style courses to an undergraduate audience;
●      Demonstrated excellence in scholarly publication;
●      Use of new media or innovative technology in teaching, creative work, or scholarship;
●      Demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and student success, as well as working with broadly diverse communities;
●      Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a collegial environment and excellent interpersonal skills.

Salary and Appointment Status
Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience for junior faculty. The position is available beginning August 1, 2016. The University of New Mexico is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and educator committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. UNM is a Department of Education Minority Serving Institution.
To apply, go to and search for Posting No. 0832282. For best consideration, applications must be submitted no later than November 23, 2015. All application materials, except the required letters of reference, must be attached to the UNM Jobs application (no faxes, hard copies, or email application materials will be accepted) and shall include:
 Required Documents
Cover Letter, Curriculum Vitae, Teaching Portfolio (Teaching Philosophy), List of References (Faculty/Exec)
 Special Instructions to Applicants
Applications must include:
1) A letter of interest that addresses the applicant's qualifications, with specific attention to interdisciplinary work and teaching experience;
2) An up-to-date curriculum vitae;
3) (Upload under Teaching Philosophy) A portfolio (in PDF format) that includes: 1 syllabus, 2-3 handouts or assignments, teaching/student evaluation summaries, and 2 potential Honors College course descriptions (see examples at and
4) A list of 3 references, with complete contact information, who will be able to submit confidential letters of recommendation within a short time frame upon request by the Search Committee.
 Applicants who are appointed to a UNM continuing faculty position are required to provide an official certification of successful completion of all degree requirements prior to their initial employment with UNM. Queries may be directed to: Dr. Christopher Holden, Search Committee Chair,; Dr. Ursula Shepherd, Associate Dean,; Sophia Alvarez, M.B.A., Search Coordinator,; or (505) 277-4211.

The Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida invites applications and nominations of social scientists for a position in Latin American Studies at the rank of Professor or Associate Professor, to begin in August 2016. We seek candidates whose work engages the Caribbean (Cuba is of particular interest), and who will advance the Center’s commitment to cross-disciplinary collaborations among faculty and students, and to transdisciplinary partnerships that extend beyond the academy. Applicants should demonstrate an international scholarly reputation, a record of rigorous field research, sustained external grant/fellowship funding, excellence in teaching, and capacity for mentoring graduate student research across a broad range of topics. We welcome candidates with innovative approaches to research and to undergraduate and graduate teaching, and those with enthusiasm for building programs, including one or more of the Center’s interdisciplinary research and training initiatives. The successful candidate will hold a full-time appointment in the Center and will report to the Director of the Center for Latin American Studies, with tenure in a relevant disciplinary department.
The UF Center for Latin American Studies is the oldest and one of the largest Latin American Studies programs in the United States. The Latin American program was formed in the 1930s and renamed the Center for Latin American Studies in 1963. It was among the first institutions in the country to be designated a National Resource Center by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) and to receive assistance through fellowships and the USDE’s Title VI program. Today, the Center is ranked among the best in the world, and UF libraries host a world-class collection of Latin American and Caribbean materials. Students can choose from among 350 Latin American and Caribbean area and language courses routinely offered by 50 departments at UF. 
The Center offers a Masters of Arts in Latin American Studies (MALAS), a Masters of Arts in Sustainable Development Practice (MDP), graduate and undergraduate certificates, an undergraduate minor, and a joint law degree. The Center is linked to departments with strong PhD programs including those where the faculty member for this position will have tenure. More information about the Center can be found at:
Applicants should apply through the University of Florida’s on-line applicant tracking system at: and submit: a letter of interest (indicating research and teaching interests), curriculum vitae, and a list of three references. Review of applications will begin December 15, 2015, and continue until an applicant pool has been established.
The University of Florida is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities, women and those from other underserved groups are encouraged to apply. The selection process will be conducted in accord with the provisions of Florida “Government in the Sunshine” and Public Records laws. Search Committee meetings and interviews will be open to the public; and all applications, CV’s and other documents related to the search will be available for public inspection. All candidates for employment are subject to a pre-employment screening which includes a review of criminal records, reference checks, and verification of education.

Description: Colonial Latin American History (1492-1825)
Applicants should apply at:

The University of California at Santa Barbara is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Minimum Requirements: Colonial Latin American History (1492-1825)

Applicants should apply at:

The University of California at Santa Barbara is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Preferred Qualifications: Preferred given to candidates who have demonstrated effectivness in teaching.
Documents Required: Cover Letter, CV, Writing Sample, and Three Letters of Reference
Additional Information: For more information on the History Department, visit our website at:

The position will include teaching responsibilities in both lower division and upper division courses, as well as opportunities to teach in the Spanish M.A. program. Experience with and commitment to teaching heritage language learners and the ability to teach language, literature and culture, as needed. See SSU employment website for complete description.
Deadline: November 30, 2015
Minimum Requirements:
A Latin American generalist with a strong focus in the Colonial period and its relevance to post-colonial contexts. The candidate must have a Ph.D. by time of appointment and two years university-level teaching experience. Evidence of scholarly potential is also required.
Preferred Qualifications:
A Trans-Atlantic specialty with the ability to teach Golden Age Literature is a plus. Experience with and a commitment to teaching heritage language learners and the ability to teach language, literature and culture, as needed. The selected candidate will have some background or interest in interdisciplinary teaching and collaborative curriculum development. The candidate should possess native or near-native fluency in Spanish, evidence of successful teaching experience at the university level, and familiarity with and interest in innovative pedagogies for liberal arts education. The candidate should demonstrate an interest and/or experience in international education, such as study abroad.
Documents Required:
Application letter; Curriculum vitae; Statement of Research Interests; Teaching Philosophy; Student Evaluations; Contact Information for 3 References
Contact Information:
Application procedures available at

The Pennsylvania State University Department of History invites applications for a tenure-track position in the history of Modern Latin America (since 1800). The appointment will be made at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor, depending upon qualifications, and will begin in August 2016. The successful applicant should be able to enhance the graduate concentration in Latin American history, demonstrate an active research agenda, be able to contribute immediately to both graduate and undergraduate teaching in the department, and be ready to participate in the Latin American Studies program. Candidate must have a Ph.D. in hand at date of application. Prospective candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, a letter of application that describes current and future research, and evidence of teaching effectiveness at Applications may also include up to three offprints or unpublished papers or chapters. Please request three letters of reference be sent to Search Committee, Modern Latin America, Department of History, The Pennsylvania State University, 108 Weaver Building, University Park, PA 16802. Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2015, and continue until the position is filled.

Minimum Requirements: Ph.D.
Preferred Qualifications: Enhance graduate concentration in Latin American history
Documents Required:
Letter of Application to include current and future research, current curriculum vita, evidence of teaching effectiveness. Also send three letters of reference
Contact Information:
Search Committee, Modern Latin America, Dept. of History, Penn State University, 108 Weaver Building, University Park, PA 16802
Additional Information:
apply at


Call for Proposals for Summer 2016
The Global Reach Area Studies Program is a new initiative of the Title VI International Area Studies Centers of the University of Illinois. Open to secondary school students (entering) grades 7-12 as well as recently graduated seniors, the program offers a diverse array of interdisciplinary international area studies courses for 6 weeks in June and July. A new program of the Center for Global Studies (CGS), Illinois-Northwestern African Studies Consortium (CAS-PAS), European Union Center (EUC), and Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), GRASP promotes global perspectives, foreign language learning, and cosmopolitan perspectives through an intensive program of academically challenging enrichment offerings.

This new program seeks to use experiential learning, critical pedagogy, and project-based approaches to blend international area studies with STEM, the humanities, social sciences, and the arts for a challenging (credit-bearing) summer college experience that will expand perspectives and give students an advantage in the global marketplace. The program offers four types of courses:
(1)    Intensive, immersion foreign language classes  (offered daily)
(2)    Intermediate International Area Studies classes across the disciplines
(3)    Advanced Area Studies classes across the disciplines
(4)    Practicums that combine area studies and cultural exploration learning with acquisition of research and/or skills for scientific inquiry, or training in the use of technology, grass roots organization, civic activism, etc.

GRASP requests proposals from faculty, advanced graduate students, and academic staff to develop and teach Intermediate, Advanced, and Practicum summer courses. Courses may focus on a single area (region) of the world (e.g., Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America), or take a more global approach (e.g., transnational movements, globalization, internationalization, etc.). Although we are interested in proposals that examine a particular topic, even in a particular culture (e.g., Manga in Japan or German Expressionist Film) courses that take project-based, hands-on approaches to explore transnational issues of global importance are preferred. Priority will be given to proposals that blend serious and advanced study of disciplines with the cultural exploration of real-world problems and dilemmas. We are looking for courses that examine contemporary problems that cross lines of disciplinary study. Some possible examples might include the following:

(1)    “Power Africa”—a course that blends the physics of electrical engineering and electrical grids with the social/political challenges of rural electrification in Africa
(2)    “English Education in Asia”—a course that examines the cultural, political, and economic drive to learn English as an International Language
(3)    “Rule of Law in China”—a cross-cultural comparative exploration of changes to China’s legal system with relation to democratic conceptions of civil society
(4)    “Sustainable Futures”—a course that blends agricultural education, biology, environmental politics, and food security

(5)     “Transnational Musical Movements”—an ethnomusicology approach combined with media and/or communication studies to explore the global impact of musical phenomena
(6)    “Comparative Literature: Poetry and Democratic Movements from Latin America to Asia”
(7)    “H2O, You Don’t Know?”—a course that combines the science and engineering of water purification with study of safe global water programs in developing Latin America, Asia, Africa, and other parts of the world
(8)    “Europe’s Ethnic Minorities in Schools”— a course blending education, sociology, religious studies, and political science
(9)                                    For examples of similar summer programs see:

4 –week Course Options:
·         Intermediate Courses are appropriate for middle school and younger high school students and meet for 8 sessions: 2 days/week for 2 hrs/day for a total for 16 contact hours (no college credit)
·         Advanced Courses are appropriate for high school students and meet for 12 sessions: 3 days/week for 2 hrs/day for a total of 24 contact hours (students can earn 3 college credits)
·         Practicums may be tailored to either middle school or high school audiences (but not both) and meet for 12 sessions: 3 days/week for 3 hrs/day for a total of 36 contact hours (students can earn 3 college credits)

GRASP encourages applicants to be inventive and interdisciplinary and to try new approaches with regard to the format of the course. Incorporating field experiences and visits to or work in University labs, museums, Institutes, and other centers of study are preferred, as are classes that require students to develop research and writing skills. Although courses should be academically rigorous, teachers should be mindful of the age of the audience when designing a course.

Faculty, lecturers/instructors, advanced graduate students, and Academic Staff (academic professionals) holding a PhD are eligible to submit proposals.

Proposals to develop and teach a course in the Summer 2016 GRASP program (roughly 6/15-7/30 with exact dates TBD) are currently being accepted. Length of proposed courses, audience, and contact hours may deviate from the prescribed rubric above provided that a good academic justification is given in the proposal.

Stipends to develop and teach a GRASP course are based on instructor qualifications, experience, and type of course:
(1)    Intermediate Courses:
Faculty; lecturers/instructors/Academic Staff with PhDs: $3,500 Advanced Graduate students: $3,000
(2)    Advanced Courses:
Faculty; lecturers/instructors/Academic Staff with PhDs: $4,000 Advanced Graduate students: $3,500
(3)    Practicums:
Faculty; lecturers/instructors/Academic Staff with PhDs: $4,000
Advanced Graduate students: $3,500

Please use the following proposal format to prepare your submission. Proposals must be submitted electronically to:
Terri Gitler, by Friday, November 20, 2015.
Proposals will be reviewed by a committee of Area Studies Centers affiliate faculty and staff.
July 17th- July 30th.
 Currently in Chile, the educational system is going through a period of profound challenges and changes that have implications for all modern educational systems in the 21st century.  Spurred on by the 2011 student movement, educational reform has been placed on the front burner of public consciousness and focus in the country. Young people took to the streets for seven months and they demanded more social justice in education.  There demands have reverberated beyond Chile and into the international arena.  Our study tour of Chile will examine the impact of the students’ demands for change, the new educational environment in Chile, and the structural reforms now being introduced by the new Michelle Bachelet administration.  At stake are the central planks of what was once deemed the “most neoliberal, market-oriented educational system in the world.” Proposed education reforms such as ending profit making in primary and secondary education, the elimination of tuition fee copayments to enter schools that receive public subsidies and tax-based funds, the development of a new teacher professional career as well as the reexamination of standardized accountability in the national evaluation system (SIMCE) have all garnered profound public attention and debate. These issues of educational change have profound significance not only for the Chileans, but also for all global citizens participating in 21st century educational systems that are now being challenged to balance the last few decades’ emphasis on excellence and quality with the powerful resurgence of demands for access and equity.
This year’s GSE study abroad course will take place from July 17th through July 30th. This four-credit course will examine the current educational system in Chile in relation to its history, economy, media environment and political movements. We will be hosted by two important Chilean universities, in two major cities of the country, giving to this study tour a broad perspective about the higher educational system, the diversity of cities on the coast and of the country as well of different perspectives about these educational changes and challenges. Each of these universities has provided us access to leading Chilean scholars, experts and stakeholders. Participants will have the remarkable opportunity to enter into a meaningful dialogue with these academics and policy intellectuals as we actively engage with the material that we will be studying. We will meet with The University of Chile’s Student Federation (FECH), Alto al SIMCE academic and political activists, the National Coordination of Secondary Education (CONES) and Educación 2020 to discuss the current educational movement and policy changes that are being fought for and implemented at this time. Also, we will be visiting schools in these different cities. We will take the opportunity to talk with parents, teachers and principals of rural and urban areas. With these activities, students will experience the diversity and complexity of the public educational system in Chile. Weekend excursions to areas around Santiago and Valparaíso have been planned with the aim of giving participants the opportunity to visit a rich sample of the marvelous cultural and historical sites that exist in these different locations of Chile.
Pre-Tour classes begin April 7th 2016 online
CRN 47135

  • GLBL 298:  Global Studies Seminar Abroad

LAS Global Studies invites proposals to offer a GLBL 298: Global Studies Seminar Abroad (GSSA).  These seminars abroad are special topics courses designed by faculty to enhance undergraduate students’ understanding of a topic or problem of global import through an on-campus course that extends into a field experience abroad with a research focus.  The seminars should foster skills to identify and analyze issues from multiple disciplinary and cultural perspectives, promoting a global mindset and respect for diverse ways of living, thinking and being as a result of cross-cultural exchange.

The seminars begin on campus, usually during the 2nd 8-weeks of a term, and then spend approximately 2-3 weeks abroad after the term in intensive instruction and exploration.  The fall term portion abroad is generally from late-December to mid-January, and the spring term portion abroad is generally from late-May to mid-June. 

Faculty directors indicate that they value their seminars because of the extraordinary teaching experience and the opportunity to develop or strengthen professional relationships and experience abroad.  Students value their seminars abroad because of the enhanced learning environment, high quality interaction with a faculty member, and intercultural experiences.

Candidates with a current teaching appointment with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus in one of the following employment categories may submit proposals electronically to:  Valerie Paceley, by Monday, February 1, 2016.

•          Tenured and tenure-track Faculty,
•          Specialized Faculty (PhD preferred),
•          Emeritus Faculty,
•          Academic Professionals (Master’s required, PhD preferred)

Graduate students are not eligible to direct a program abroad, although co-teaching may be considered.  Courses are open for enrollment by undergraduate students at UIUC; graduate students are not eligible to take these courses.

Faculty director costs for travel, including lodging and per diem, related to the course are covered.  Directors on a 9-month appointment receive 1/9th summer salary, not to exceed $10,000.  Directors on a 12-month appointment teach the course abroad on-load, unless they are taking vacation time to teach the course and will receive a 1/12th summer salary stipend for their teaching not to exceed $10,000.  All proposals to teach the course must be approved by the faculty/instructor’s department, and requests to teach the course on-load may be negotiated.

Development Grants
LAS International Programs ( and the Study Abroad Office ( offer a limited number of small grants to develop new courses abroad.  Proposers interested in one of these grants should submit their course proposal, a budget, and short justification for a site visit to these offices.  Other site visit funding sources should also be pursued.

Meeting Expectations
In addition to course planning and implementation requirements, the faculty selected to offer a course abroad will be expected to attend the following meetings (dates subject to change): 
  • Pre-Program Planning, April 2016
  • GSSA Faculty Meeting, September 2016
  • Study Abroad Office Pre-Departure Orientation, mid-November 2016
  • Follow-up Meeting, January or February 2017
  • Global Studies Annual Reception: February 2017
Faculty directors also participate in the selection of course participants and contribute to collective initiatives with other participating faculty.  Faculty directors submit a Program Report upon completion of their program summarizing the experience and learning outcomes. 

For questions and information on the LAS Global Studies Seminar initiative, contact Tim Wedig, Associate Director of LAS Global Studies: or phone: 217-333-0178. 

Proposal Format and Due Date
Please use the following proposal format to prepare your submission. 
Submit proposals electronically to:  Valerie Paceley, by Monday, February 1, 2016.
Proposals are reviewed by the LAS Global Studies Faculty Advisory Committee.

The Brazil Initiation Scholarship (BIS) is a key component of BRASA’s agenda to expand Brazilian Studies in the United States. BRASA invites applications from graduate and undergraduate students for a one-time $1,500 travel scholarship to do exploratory research or language study in Brazil. This scholarship targets aspiring Brazilianists with relatively little or no experience in Brazil. It seeks to contribute to the student’s initial trip (for a period from six weeks to three months), to heighten the student’s interest in Brazil, and deepen his/her commitment to Brazilian studies in the United States. Students are encouraged to combine this scholarship with other grants or awards.
The Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA) is pleased to announce the recipients for the Brazil Initiation Scholarship (BIS) Awards. We received a large number of very strong applications, and the committee selected four scholars to receive a $1,500 award to perform field research in Brazil.
The committee was chaired by Steven Butterman (Modern Languages & Literatures, Women’s & Gender Studies, University of Miami) and included Victoria Langland (History & Romance Languages & Literatures, University of Michigan), John Burdick (Anthropology, Syracuse University), and Amy Nunn (Medicine & Public Health, Brown University).
Application Information
Eligibility: Proposals for the BIS will be reviewed according to the following criteria:
Highest priority will be given to applicants who are outstanding college seniors, recent college graduates applying to graduate programs in Brazilian studies or in Latin American studies with the intent of focusing on Brazil, or new graduate students already focusing on Brazil.
Students from all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences are eligible. In exceptional cases, applications from the natural sciences will be given consideration (for example, someone in environmental sciences who is writing a dissertation on the Amazon or pollution in São Paulo and who plans to continue research on Brazil).
Preference will be given to those applicants who have little or no in-country experience in Brazil. A student requesting funding to undertake an exploratory research trip should present evidence at the time of the application that he/she has achieved at least an intermediate level of competence in the Portuguese language sufficient to carry out the proposed research. Successful applicants may combine BIS with other grants, scholarships, or awards, as long as he/she specifies clearly how the funds are going to be spent (for example, the BRASA scholarship might be used to cover travel costs, while a grant from another source could be used for living expenses, etc.). Applicants are required to be BRASA members at the time of submission.
Application Process: A complete application (partial applications will not be considered) will include the following documents: (NOTE THAT ALL OF THE DOCUMENTS EXCEPT FOR THE TRANSCRIPTS AND LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION MUST BE SUBMITTED AS ONE PDF OR WORD DOCUMENT).
1.       The application cover page (download form)
2.       A two-page prospectus (double spaced, 12-point font)
3.       A two-page résumé or CV;
4.       A budget specifying how the $1500 will be spent
5.       In the case of undergraduates or recent college graduates, a letter of intent to study Brazil in graduate school
6.       A two-page bibliography on the subject of study, and evidence that the applicant has achieved at least an intermediate level of competence in Portuguese (competence can be demonstrated by a transcript or a letter from a university instructor of Portuguese)
7.       Proof of membership in BRASA
8.       Two letters of recommendation from professors
9.       Copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts
The letters of recommendation and transcripts may be mailed directly to BRASA at the address below. All other materials should be submitted together either as PDF or Word files in a single email to In the subject line write “BIS 2016 Submission + your name” and nothing else. (e.g. BIS 2016 Submission Smith, Mary).
Evaluation Criteria and Selection Process: In order to be considered for the scholarship, the two-page prospectus should:
•        Clearly and coherently outline the project’s engagement with Brazil
•        Demonstrate as precisely as possible the feasibility of the proposed exploratory research project and how it will contribute to the student’s academic development
•        Briefly discuss the role the work undertaken in Brazil will play in shaping the applicant’s future course of academic study (for instance, it could be the seed project for a larger grant application, provide the basis of a paper prepared for presentation at a BRASA conference, or serve as the foundation for future research on Brazil)
Report: Upon completion of the research experience in Brazil, recipients are required to file a two-page, double-spaced report with the BRASA Executive Director summarizing their activities and identifying relevant academic outcomes. In addition, a statement accounting for the expenditure of funds must be sent to the BRASA Executive Director. Following completion of studies in Brazil, BRASA strongly encourages recipients to participate in a subsequent BRASA congress in order to report on their activities.
Deadline for application: November 15, 2015
Awards will be announced by February 3rd, 2016. To submit a proposal and for all other correspondence regarding this award, contact:
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Brown University
111 Thayer Street, Box 1970
Providence, RI 02912-1970
401.863.6884 (tel)
401.863.2928 (fax)



O tempo e o vento (Time and Wind)

Brazilian Western is an adaptation of the eponymous song by Renato Russo a famous Brazilian singer and composer who in the style of Bob Dylan knew how to delight crowds by telling stories and singing with his lyrics The adaptation precipitated a both social and romantic drama with a tragic ending. Focusing on the love story of outlaw Joao do Santo Cristo with Architecture major student Maria Lucia, the movie takes place in Brasilia in the early 80s. In a clash of interest, drug dealers and the police conflict with one another,while the end of the military dictatorship in the Capital of Brazil, Brasilia takes place. The wanderings and tedium of a young rocker, who lived in a city still being built, are the backdrop for this story.

Room 126 GSLIS, 501 E. Daniel St

Followed by a Q&A session with Brazilian film critic Edu Fernandes, Glen Goodman and John Karam (Spanish & Portuguese)




UN Refugee Agency Sounds Alarm on Violence Against Women in Central America, Mexico
Brazil announced a strike against the sale of assets of Petrobras
Cracks in the incumbent strategy to win Argentina's presidential runoff

The Cuban response to negotiations with the United States

Peru’s Sodalicio scandal raises questions about past inaction

Jimmy Morales, the New Face of Guatemala’s Military Old Guard

Our Brand Is Impunity: Why is the U.S. Harboring Bolivia’s Most Wanted Fugitive?



Angelina Cotler, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
201 International Studies Building
910 S. Fifth Street
Champaign, IL 61820
Ph: (217) 333-8419
Fax: (217): 244-7333


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