Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5-11, 2015

The graduate minor in Latin American Studies will require the student to complete 12 graduate hours; 8 of the hours must be at the 500-level.
Area Coursework: A minimum of 8 graduate hours at the 400/500-level from courses in two different departments approved by CLACS every semester.
The Center updates and posts approved courses in our website and announce them through our listserv. Our Center has approximately 104 faculty affiliated from different departments
in campus, and we approve their courses as part of our curriculum. The Center will record the approved courses on a master list to be kept in the unit that will be used to certify that students
took approved courses during their studies in the minor.
Language Component: At least 4 hours in language coursework taken in any Latin American language (Portuguese, Spanish or Native American Language or Haitian Creole) while enrolled
in the Graduate Minor program. In the case that not enough or advance language courses are offered, The Center also accepts as equivalent area courses taught in these languages, i.e. literature class
taught in Portuguese or Spanish. If the chosen language course is at the 400-or 500 level it may count towards the required 12 hours for Graduate Minor. We anticipate that students registering in the
Minor already have knowledge of Latin American language. If the Student's Master's thesis or doctoral dissertation deals with a country from Latin America and the Caribbean, we advise students in
this minor to speak with their advisor about including a committee member from the minor area.  We recommend that the courses taken for the minor not be applied to course requirements in the students' Master's or PhD program

We are pleased to announce new comprehensive research guides for Peru ( and Bolivia ( For questions about these guides or Latin American and Caribbean Studies research at the Library, please contact Prof. Antonio Sotomayor at

  •         PUBLICATIONS

- University of Illinois Press, Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies at Illinois and the Ministerio da Cultura do Brasil

Brazil and the Dialectic of Colonization
The provocative classic in its first-ever English translation
A classic of Brazilian literary criticism and historiography, Brazil and the Dialectic of Colonization explores the unique character of Brazil from its colonial beginnings to its emergence as a modern nation. This translation presents the thought of Alfredo Bosi, one of contemporary Brazil's leading intellectuals, to an English-speaking audience.
Portugal extracted wealth from its Brazilian colony. Slaves--first indigenous peoples, later Africans--mined its ore and cut its sugarcane. From the customs of the colonists and the aspirations of the enslaved rose Brazil. Bosi scrutinizes signal points in the creation of Brazilian culture--the plays and poetry, the sermons of missionaries and Jesuit priests, the Indian novels of José de Alencar and the Voices of Africa of poet Castro Alves. His portrait of the country's response to the pressures of colonial conformity offers a groundbreaking appraisal of Brazilian culture as it emerged from the tensions between imposed colonial control and the African and Amerindian cults--including the Catholic-influenced ones--that resisted it.
Wide-ranging and provocative, Brazil and the Dialectic of Colonization reconceives the material and symbolic processes behind colonization, and daringly links the economic practices of its agents to their means of survival, their memory, their ways of representing themselves and others, and their desires and hopes.
"A modern Brazilian classic. Written by a distinguished professor of literature, the essay ranges across several disciplines. Each chapter is organized around a particular moment in national history, illustrating fundamental themes of Brazilian culture. In the final chapter, the author relates what Robert Redfield called the Great Tradition ('high' culture) to the Little Tradition (popular culture), showing how they have borrowed and adapted from each other across the centuries."--Joseph L. Love, former director, Lemann Institute of Brazilian Studies, University of Illinois
Funds for the publication of this translation were provided by the Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and by the Ministerio da Cultura do Brasil / Fundação Biblioteca Nacional.

Alfredo Bosi is the director of the Institute of Advanced Studies at the University of São Paolo. He is the author of A Concise History of Brazilian LiteratureRobert Patrick Newcomb is an associate professor of Luso-   Brazilian studies at the University of California, Davis.

- Privatization and the New Medical Pluralism. Shifting Healthcare Landscapes in Maya Guatemala
Peter Rohloff, Anita Chary, eds.

Privatization and the New Medical Pluralism is the first collection of its kind to explore the contemporary terrain of healthcare in Guatemala through reflective ethnography. This volume offers a nuanced portrait of the effects of healthcare privatization for indigenous Maya people, who have historically endured numerous disparities in health and healthcare access. The collection provides an updated understanding of medical pluralism, which concerns not only the tensions and exchanges between ethnomedicine and biomedicine that have historically shaped Maya people’s experiences of health, but also the multiple competing biomedical institutions that have emerged in a highly privatized, market-driven environment of care. The contributors examine the macro-structural and micro-level implications of the proliferation of non-governmental organizations, private fee-for-service clinics, and new pharmaceuticals against the backdrop of a deteriorating public health system. In this environment, health seekers encounter new challenges and opportunities, relationships between the public, private, and civil sectors transform, and new forms of inequality in access to healthcare abound. This volume connects these themes to critical studies of global and public health, exposing the strictures and apertures of healthcare privatization for marginalized populations in Guatemala.
Peter Rohloff is a former Illinois students and FLAS recipient for the study of Maya.

In co-sponsor with the Lemann Institute of Brazilian Studies and the Jewish Studies
 RAANAN REIN, the Elías Sourasky Professor of Latin American and Spanish History and Vice President of Tel Aviv University.
Member of Argentina's Academia Nacional de la Historia and former Co-President of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association (LAJSA).


101 International Studies Building

While most historians would agree as to the centrality of sports in general and of soccer in particular in Latin American societies, very little has been written on ethnicity and sports in such immigrant societies as Argentina and Brazil. As far as the historiography of the Jewish experience in Latin America is concerned, hardly any scholarly works exist that are devoted to popular culture, particularly that of unaffiliated Jews.
My talk focuses on the history of the Club Atlético Atlanta, located in the neighborhood of Villa Crespo. Although populated by various ethnic groups, Villa Crespo has long been considered a Jewish neighborhood. Since the 1950s there has been a conspicuous Jewish presence among the fans, administrators and presidents of the Atlanta soccer club, to the extent that fans of rival teams often chant anti-Semitic slogans during matches.
I examines Argentine football as a space of both prejudice and dialogue. One of my arguments is that for the first immigrant generation, belonging to this club was a way of becoming Argentines. 
For the next generation, it was a way of maintaining ethnic Jewish identity, while for the third one it has become a family tradition.
Rein is the author and editor of more than thirty books and dozens of book chapters and articles in academic journals. His most recent books
include: Fútbol, Jews, and the Making of Argentina (Stanford University Press, 2014), In the Shadow of Perón: Juan Atilio Bramuglia and the Second Line of Argentina's Populist Movement (Stanford University Press, 2008), and Argentine Jews or Jewish Argentines? Essays on History, Ethnicity and Diaspora (Brill, 2010). He is co-editor of Muscling in on New Worlds: Jews, Sport, and the Making of the Americas (Brill, 2015), Rethinking Jewish-Latin Americans (University of New Mexico Press, 2008), as well as the journal Estudios Intersicipilnarios de América Latina y el Caribe (EIAL). The Argentine   government awarded him the title of Commander
Lucy Ellis Lounge, (1080 FLB).
WAÏL HASSAN Professor, Comparative World Literature
This paper approaches the subject of Arab-Brazilian relations by focusing on the representation of Morocco and Islam in O Clone (The Clone), a specimen of the highly popular genre of the telenovela, Latin America’s answer to U.S. soap operas. The specific questions I ask in this paper are: if Orientalism represents a discourse of Western mastery over the “Orient,” as Edward Said argued, what happens when it “travels” to another part of the imperialized world? What are, for example, the contours of Brazilian Orientalism? If not driven by imperial or foreign policy imperatives, what are its ideological investments? I argue that while Brazilian Orientalism is derived from the European, but it answers to different ideological imperatives, anxieties, and dilemmas that continue to trouble Brazil’s postcolonial self-image.

For the full Spanish and Portuguese calendar and updates you can check:

MARTA TERRY GONZALEZ, Director Emerita Jose Marti National Library Havana and a George A. Miller Visiting Professor

101 International Studies Building

Marta Terry has been a librarian in Cuba since the mid-1950s.  In 1959 she was constructing school libraries out of the left-behind book collections in Havana's rich neighborhoods.  Each library she directed served a principal goal of the Cuban revolution, for instance JUCEPLAN (economic development); Casa de las Américas (Latin American cultural innovators); and Cuba's national library.  At every turn -- the literacy campaign, computerization -- this meant managing with scarce resources and improvising, with splendid results that reflect a different model of development than North America.  In her CLACS discussion Dr. Terry will represent the experience and reflections of four generations of Cuban librarians.
Marta Terry has been called a legendary librarian. In the 1950s, she was instrumental in the development of Cuba’s school libraries. Much later, she brought the World Library and Information Congress to Latin America for the first time, to Havana, with her IFLA colleague and GSLIS alumnus Robert Wedgeworth (MS ’61).
Terry’s career has been influential in Cuba and internationally. In the 1960s, she supported Che Guevara as he organized the National Planning Board (JUCEPLAN) that set the post-1958 course for Cuba’s development. From 1967-1987, she was library director at Casa de Las Américas, which connected writers and their readers across Latin America and set a model for combining liberation politics and innovative cultural production. From 1987-1997, she was director of the José Martí National Library, at which time the library was assigned responsibility for all public library development in Cuba. A participant in international library gatherings since the 1950s, Terry was a leader in establishing Cuba’s international library reputation and connections through the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA).
Terry’s visit will include several speaking engagements:
On Tuesday, October 13, Terry will participate in a discussion moderated by Clara M. Chu, Mortenson Center director and Mortenson distinguished professor. The event will be held at the International and Area Studies Library (321 Main Library) from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
On Wednesday, October 14, Terry will deliver a talk titled, “Dialogue with a Veteran Cuban Librarian: The Long View on Literacy, Literary Culture, Digitization and Revolution,” as part of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Lecture Series. The event will be held at the International Studies Building, Room 101, at 3:00 p.m.
On Thursday, October 15, Terry will deliver a talk titled, “Libraries and Literary Culture: An Inside View of Cuba’s Information Revolution,” as part of the MillerComm Lecture Series. The event will be held at the Spurlock Museum at 4:00 p.m. A reception will follow the lecture.
On Friday, October 16, Terry will speak at the GSLIS History Salon meeting. “A Few Stories from Cuban Library History, Told by a Protagonist” will be held in room 131 LIS from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. At 4:00 p.m. she will participate in an open discussion hosted by GSLIS and the Department of Latina/Latino Studies, held at 1207 W. Oregon St., Urbana, Room 133.
1203 West Nevada Street,

Join us for an informal conversation with students who went to study abroad to Cuba this summer.
Learn about the study abroad summer program in Cuba and how it impact on students perspectives and views about Cuba.
Are you interested to travel to Cuba? Join us for another study abroad program in June 2016.


NOVIEMBRE 17, 18, 19 DE 2015

A finales de los sesentas, el lingüista norteamericano Noam Chomsky escribió un ensayo titulado ¨La responsabilidad de los intelectuales¨. Desde ese documento, el científico invitaba a los pensadores de su tiempo a utilizar las herramientas del mundo académico (de cualquier disciplina) para criticar aquellas situaciones en las que las libertades humanas pudieran estar en peligro. El escrito fue una herramienta efectiva durante las protestas en contra de la Guerra de Vietnam, pero su influencia excedió su tiempo y se convirtió en un referente mundial sobre la innegociable necesidad de los intelectuales de constituirse en actores críticos. Desde luego, el compromiso que deberían tener los académicos con el pensamiento crítico ha sido conformado por varios otros pensadores, entre ellos el filósofo francés Jean-Paul Sartre quien afirmó: ¨nuestra responsabilidad es mucho mayor de lo que podríamos suponer, porque compromete a la humanidad entera¨.

La crítica es una de las actividades más importantes de la tradición académica occidental y ha sido responsable directa de rompimientos epistémicos y reformulación de los juegos de lenguaje para entender lo social. No necesariamente limitada al ámbito de lo teórico sino también ligada al ejercicio práctico. La crítica ha contribuido a la generación de revoluciones paradigmáticas como el humanismo del siglo XVI (con Erasmo, Lutero, o Tomás Moro); el enciclopedismo del siglo XVIII (Rousseau, Voltaire); los socialismos del siglo XIX (Marx, Fourier, Bakunin); y las teorías críticas del siglo veinte enfocadas a cuestionar los posicionamientos dogmáticos de corrientes paradójicamente tuvieron sus orígenes en los procesos intelectuales antes mencionados (Benjamin, Adorno, Marcuse, Habermas). En efecto, cualquier corriente de pensamiento que deje de ser crítica hacia sí misma se convertirá en un dogma, e ineludiblemente terminará defendiendo los intereses de algún sector específico, ya sea público o privado. La crítica permanente es emancipadora en sí misma.

La complejidad del contexto contemporáneo ha permitido visibilizar diversidad de pensamientos críticos, desde varias vertientes epistemológicas, así pues: Lineamientos neoMarxistas; perspectivas de género; propuestas plurinacionales; corrientes descolonizadoras de las Ciencias Sociales; propuestas ecologistas; e incluso aportes críticos religiosos (como la teología de la liberación), entre muchas otras, conforman una nueva plataforma desde la cual entender lo social.

Por las particularidades de su historia, Latinoamérica ha sido una región protagónica en lineamientos críticos. Pérez Esquivel y Ernesto Sábato denunciaron a la dictadura argentina, Fernando Coronil, reflexionó sobre la dependencia de las democracias locales a los modelos de desarrollo extractivitas; Rigoberta Menchú cuestionó la violencia y el racismo en Guatemala; Mientras Rene Zavaleta, junto a otros intelectuales, impulsó una propuesta de Descolonización de las Ciencias y el Pensamiento Social. En el caso Ecuatoriano referentes como Agustín Cueva, Fernando Velasco, o Bolívar Echeverría han marcado importantes precedentes para la producción de ideas alternativas.

En este contexto convocamos al Décimo Congreso Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas ¨DESAFÍOS DEL PENSAMIENTO CRÍTICO EN ECUADOR Y AMÉRICA LATINA¨ dirigido a académicos/as de cualquier disciplina que planteen la utilización de herramientas científicas, hermenéuticas, y especulativas para delinear posicionamientos críticos sobre cualquiera de las dimensiones estructurales (ya sean económicas, políticas, o culturales), en el contexto Ecuatoriano y o Latinoamericano.

Proposal deadline: 7 de octubre del 2015
Contact information:
SKYPE: xcongreso.sociologia
TELÉFONOS: 00593 + (02) 2565822 y (02) 2231814 ext. 15 – 16

Additional information:


March 30- April 1, 2016
Caceres (Extremadura, Spain)

Conference devoted to the study of all aspects of Central American Literature; dialog between scholars and writers

Proposal deadline: January 31, 2016
Contact information: Jorge Roman-Lagunas (Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Purdue University Calumet)

Phone Number 219 989 2379; e-mail:


28 - 29 April 2016
UCL Institute of the Americas, 51 Gordon Square, London, WC1H OPN 

The UCL Americas Research Network invites graduate students and early career researchers working on any aspect of the Americas to participate in our 2nd International Conference: ‘Ideas & Transformations in the Americas,’ featuring keynote speeches by Prof Maxine Molyneux (UCL Institute of the Americas) and Prof Diane Negra (University College Dublin). With important elections coming up across the region in 2015-16 it is essential to pause and consider how ideas can transform the political, economic, social and cultural landscape across the Americas. We welcome papers from international researchers working across the humanities, the social sciences and beyond in order to create a dynamic, interdisciplinary conference that will showcase the depth and quality of emerging research on the Americas.
Proposal deadline: 14 December 2015
Contact information:
Additional information:

March 9-13, 2016
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

Conference Theme: “Legacies of Transcultural Encounters in the Americas”

The 63rd Annual Meeting of SECOLAS will take place in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia from Wednesday, March 9th to Sunday, March 13th, 2016. SECOLAS invites faculty members, independent scholars and graduate students to submit panel and individual paper proposals for participation in the conference.

We welcome submissions on any aspect of Latin American and/or Caribbean Studies. We especially encourage papers and panels that address the conference theme (broadly conceived). Graduate student presenters will be eligible to apply for the Ed Moseley Award for the best paper presented at the SECOLAS meeting.
Proposal deadline: October 15, 2015
Contact information:
Steven Hyland,, 704-575-2325
Additional information:
After the conference, all presenters will be eligible to submit their paper for publication consideration in the SECOLAS Annals issue of The Latin Americanist, an international, peer-reviewed journal published by SECOLAS and Wiley Blackwell.

Fill out the following form and upload your 250-word abstract for each panel and/or paper and brief CV (no more than 2 pages) at the following link:

You may alternatively submit your materials at the following email address:

Please note in the subject header the appropriate section for your paper and/or panel abstract.

The deadline for submissions is October 15, 2015.
the Eighteenth International Conference, “New Political Science,” and a special philosophy colloquium, which will be held at the Hotel Nacional de Cuba and the University of Havana from November 17 to November 20, 2015.  The conference is dedicated to Latin America as a Zone of Peace, as proclaimed in December 2014 by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), as well as to the Cuban Federation of University Students (FEU).

The conference is being organized by Cuban and international professors affiliated with the Division of Philosophy and History of the University of Havana and with Dr. Thalía Fung, Head of the School of “Political Science from the South” of the University of Havana.  The “Political Science from the South” is a transdisciplinary initiative, including scholars in political science, economics, history, philosophy, anthropology, and sociology.  It seeks to develop an analysis of human history and political dynamics from the perspective of the global South, endeavoring to develop insights that are relevant to political strategies of the nations and social movements of the Third World.

Papers can be presented in English or Spanish.  The conference will be bilingual; simultaneous or consecutive translation will be provided. 

Paper proposals (in English or Spanish), including a paper title and a summary from 250 to 450 words, should be sent by October 15, 2015 to Charles McKelvey (  Please send the abstract in a Microsoft Word document, with your name, position, institutional affiliation, city, country, and E-mail address placed at the top of the page.  Paper proposals sent prior to October 15 will be evaluated by the Organizing Committee as they are received, and a decision will be sent promptly.

Papers on the following themes can be included in the International Conference on “New Political Science”:
Contributions of political scientists to the Political Science from the South
The perspective of the South in the ex-colonized countries.
The perspective of the South in the process of social change in the North.
Toward the construction of a new society.
Of what socialism are we discussing in the second decade of the twenty-first century?
The plurality of ways to socialism.
Political culture and political socialization in the period of transition to socialism.
Socialism in Venezuela.
The political thought of Mao Tse Tung.
The political thought of Ho Chi Minh and the Doi Moi policy of Vietnam.
The contributions of the Bolivarian Revolution to the construction of socialism.
The contributions of Evo Morales, Inacio “Lula” da Silva, and Rafael Correa to contemporary political theory
The contributions of the Cuban Revolution to the Political Science from the South: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara.
Regional integration: challenges and perspectives.
José Martí and the political science from the South.
Social movements of the North.
Conflict theory.  Significant conflicts in the second decade of the twenty-first century.  The role of negotiation in conflicts among the countries of the South.
International political dynamics and contemporary global issues.
The relation between domestic policy and foreign policy.
The relation between philosophy and political science. 
Corruption: History and mechanisms.
Papers on other relevant themes will be considered.

The philosophy colloquium will include the following themes:
Problems of the philosophy of education and its present challenges.
Epistemology: the significance of atomic particles for scientific and philosophical knowledge.
The biometric revolution.
Environmental problems and their philosophical implications.
Bioethics and the relation between bioethics and philosophy.  The meaning of transhumanism.
Political philosophy and its role in current scientific knowledge.
Papers on other relevant themes will be considered.

      Registration fees are 200 Cuban Convertible Pesos for participants from the United States, Canada and Western Europe; and 100 Cuban Convertible Pesos for participants from Latin America, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa.  Undergraduate students are provided a 50% discount.  In addition to accreditation in the conferences, the fees include translation services, a closing reception/dinner, and refreshments at the conferences.
Anyone interested in the conference should contact Charles McKelvey at

Participants and/or their institutions are responsible for payment for airlines, hotel lodging, and meals.  For more information on travel arrangements, contact Charles McKelvey ( 

The Eighteenth International Conference, “New Political Science,” is sponsored by: the School of “Political Science from the South” of the University of Havana; the Cuban Society of Philosophical Research; the Division of Philosophy and History of the University of Havana; the Raúl Roa García Higher Institute of International Relations; the Cuban Association of the United Nations; the Institute of Philosophy of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment; the School of Social Sciences of the General Máximo Gómez Academy; the Nico López School of Higher Education of the Cuban Communist Party; the Division oMarxism of the José Antonio Echeverría Polytechnic Institute of Higher Education; and the University of Holguin.

Organizing Committee: Cuban Members: Dra. Sc. Thalía Fung, President; Dra. Lissette Mendoza; Dra.Magda Bauta; MSc. Alberto González; Dr. C. Carlos Delgado Díaz; Dra. Elsie Plain; Dr.Armando Cristóbal Pérez; Dra. Marta M. Pérez Gómez; Dr. Juan Azahares; Dr. Juan Francisco Fuentes; Dr. José R. Diaz Ricardo; Dr. Sc. Rigoberto Pupo Pupo; Dra. Sc. Rita Buch; Dra. Nancy López; Dr. René Márquez, Dr. Luis Orlando Aguilera; Prof. José Carlos Vázquez López; Dr. Ines Rodriguez; Dra. Alicia Barrios Madden; International members:  Prof. Renée-Marie Parry (Germany), Inv. Kenneth Parry, England; Dr. Charles McKelvey, United States; Dr. Iedo Fontes (Brazil), M.Sc. Helena Uema (Brazil), Dr. Victorino Barrios Dávalos (Mexico); Dr. Hugo Cornejo (Mexico); Dr. Jorge Valmaseda Valmaseda (Mexico)
In the English-speaking world, Latin Americans are more often written about than read.  As a result, the educated public in the United States continues to learn most of what it does know about the region from Latin Americanists who are themselves foreigners to the national realities they study. Since October 1990, the UNC and Duke Consortium in Latin American and Caribbean Studies has undertaken an effort to address this imbalance by establishing an ongoing editorial series, “Latin America in Translation/En Traducción/Em Tradução.”
The Latin America in Translation Series is a joint initiative of the UNC and Duke Consortium, Duke University Press (DUP), and the University of North Carolina Press (UNCP) and is directed by an editorial committee of faculty members and editors from the three sponsoring institutions. Since 1993, more than 40 books have been published in the series with more forthcoming regularly.
The UNC-Duke Consortium is pleased to announce the 2015 Call for Proposals
Deadline of October 16, 2015.  Detailed nomination instructions, as well as a link to the new nomination form, can be found at:
To see the list of titles that have appeared in the Series up till now, please go to (for Duke) and (for UNC).

  • Call For Papers: 2016 LAGO Graduate Conference | Latin American Graduate Organization
January 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2016
Tulane University’s Latin American Graduate Organization (LAGO)

Tulane University’s Latin American Graduate Organization (LAGO) invites paper and panel proposals for our 2016 Graduate Conference: “Liberalism and Its Discontents.” At the conference, we encourage participants to engage in an interdisciplinary discussion on the subject of liberalism in the Americas. More specifically, we seek scholarly works that explore and critique the influence of Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment thought in Latin America and its Diaspora. Through this conversation, we seek to trouble notions of “discovery,” “progress,” “development,” and “democracy” and critically examine how these terms are used in the field of Latin American Studies. Papers from all disciplines that explore any historical or contemporary moment are welcomed. We invite submissions in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Paper topics may include but are not limited to:
  • Economic liberalism and free trade agreements
  • Censorship, surveillance, and borders
  • Contradictions of modern nation state formation
  • Colonialism, neocolonialism, and liberalism
  • Reform versus revolution
  • Liberalism and nationalism
  • Issues of sovereignty
  • Sameness versus difference
  • Institutions and their complicity in violence
  • Contested territory
  • Indigenous and African epistemologies
  • Art and resistance
  • Critiques of modernity
  • Decentralized movements
  • Identity formation & network culture in the digital age
  • Empire and environmental stewardship/conservation 
Deadline for Abstract Submissions: November 2nd, 2015. 


  •        ASSISTANT PROFESSOR- AFRICAN DIASPORA IN LATIN AMERICA/THE CARIBBEAN (Social Scientist) -University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

The Department of African, African American, and Diaspora Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor to begin July 1, 2016. We are seeking an innovative, engaged social scientist whose research and teaching interests focus on the African diaspora in South America, Central America or the Caribbean, particularly the Hispanophone Caribbean. Specific area of research and teaching specialization is open, but should complement and expand current faculty strengths. We are especially interested in scholars whose work engages with one or more of the following areas: race, political economy, gender, sexuality, religion, social movements, and the environment.
Faculty members in the department teach four undergraduate courses per academic year (2-2): three in the faculty member’s area of expertise and one introductory course in African American and Diaspora Studies.

Deadline: Review of applicants will begin on November 7th, 2015 and will continue until the position is filled.
Minimum Requirements: PhD in a social science discipline (e.g. Anthropology, Geography, Political Economy, Political Science, Sociology), or a related interdisciplinary field. All requirements for the PhD must be completed by July 1, 2016.
Preferred Qualifications:
Candidates must be able to demonstrate a record of excellence in research, and excellence or potential for excellence in undergraduate teaching. In addition, the successful candidate will be required to teach a course on Blacks in Latin America. An active program of research and publication, and participation in departmental and university service are also required.

Documents Required:
Applications must be submitted online at Applicants should upload a cover letter, C.V., research statement and statement of teaching experience and interests (as one document), and a writing sample (such as a published article, article under review, or dissertation chapter).

At the time of application, candidates are required to identify the names, titles, email addresses, and phone numbers of four professional references. Reference providers identified by the applicant will be contacted via email with instructions for uploading their letters of support.

The minimum number of references required are 4 with a maximum of 4 reference letters.

Contact Information:


The Department of Literature at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) invites applications for an Assistant (tenure track) Professor specializing in 20th/ 21st century Latin American literatures and cultures. We seek scholars working in 20th / 21st century Latin American literature and culture with interdisciplinary interests that may include media studies (old and new), popular culture, indigeneity, transatlantic studies, Spanish-based creative writing, poetry and poetics, gender, and critical race and ethnic studies. We are particularly interested in candidates who can contribute to existing departmental and divisional/university-wide strengths in any of the following approaches and areas: Mexico, Central America and the Hispanophone Caribbean, Andean Countries.

We seek scholars embarked on a clear research trajectory, with demonstrated teaching excellence. Candidates will be expected to teach a range of large undergraduate lecture courses as well as smaller courses and seminars in both English and Spanish, and to contribute significantly to graduate education and the mentoring of graduate students. The successful candidate must be able to work with students, faculty and staff from a wide range of social and cultural backgrounds. We are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community.

Deadline: Review of applications will begin on October 12, 2015. To ensure full consideration, applications should be complete and letters of recommendation received by this date. The position will remain open until filled, but not later than 6/30/2016
Minimum Requirements:
Ph.D. or equivalent foreign degree (expected to be conferred by January 1, 2016) in Latin American Literatures and Cultures or a related field of study; a record of research and scholarly productivity, including book in preparation; a record of college teaching; and the ability to teach in both Spanish and English.

Documents Required:
Applications are accepted via the UCSC Academic Recruit online system, and must include an informative letter of application (clearly outlining your educational background, teaching experience, and publication record), a curriculum vitae, two syllabi/description of proposed literature courses (one in Spanish and one in translation), a short representative writing sample in either English or Spanish of no more than 25 double-spaced pages, and three current confidential letters of recommendation.* Applicants are invited to submit a statement addressing their contributions to diversity through research, teaching and/or service. Documents/materials must be submitted as PDF files.

Apply at

Refer to Position #JPF00289-16 in all correspondence.

*All letters will be treated as confidential per University of California policy and California state law. For any reference letter provided via a third party (i.e., dossier service, career center), direct the author to UCSC’s confidentiality statement at

Contact Information:


The Community and Regional Planning Program at the UNM School of Architecture & Planning is seeking applicants for a tenure track Assistant Professor in the area of Community Development Planning to commence in the Fall 2016 semester. For complete details of this position or to apply, please visit, posting #0832009. EEO/AA Deadline:Best Consideration Date: October 30, 2015
Minimum Requirements:
1) Master’s degree in Community and Regional Planning or a terminal professional degree in planning or a related field; 2) demonstrated teaching experience; and 3) research or practice experience in community development planning or a related field.

Preferred Qualifications:
1) demonstrated current research agenda in Latin American development planning theory and practice, 2) ability to teach at undergraduate, masters’ and doctoral levels, 3) a demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and student success, as well as working with broadly diverse communities, and 4) direct and current experience with community based practice in Latin American settings. 5) Candidates should have the ability to work in interdisciplinary and collegial settings, and 6) bring established scholarly and professional networks in Latin American planning to the UNM CRP program. 7) Preferred candidates will have a Ph.D. in Community and Regional Planning, Urban and Regional Planning, Geography, Economics or a related field. 8) Preferred candidates will show promise for distinguished scholarship and applied research or professional practice.

Documents Required:
All interested candidates must submit a letter of intent, CV, and a list of four references, including name, address, telephone number, and email of each. Submit these materials online at, posting #0832009. Short-listed candidates will be asked to submit copies of selected work.

Contact Information:, posting #0832009

  •       ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN COLONIAL LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY -University of California, Santa Barbara

Description: Colonial Latin American History (1492-1825)
Applicants should apply at:

The University of California at Santa Barbara is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Minimum Requirements: Colonial Latin American History (1492-1825)

Applicants should apply at:

The University of California at Santa Barbara is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Preferred Qualifications: Preferred given to candidates who have demonstrated effectivness in teaching.
Documents Required: Cover Letter, CV, Writing Sample, and Three Letters of Reference
Additional Information: For more information on the History Department, visit our website at: 

The position will include teaching responsibilities in both lower division and upper division courses, as well as opportunities to teach in the Spanish M.A. program. Experience with and commitment to teaching heritage language learners and the ability to teach language, literature and culture, as needed. See SSU employment website for complete description.

Deadline: November 30, 2015
Minimum Requirements:
A Latin American generalist with a strong focus in the Colonial period and its relevance to post-colonial contexts. The candidate must have a Ph.D. by time of appointment and two years university-level teaching experience. Evidence of scholarly potential is also required.

Preferred Qualifications:
A Trans-Atlantic specialty with the ability to teach Golden Age Literature is a plus. Experience with and a commitment to teaching heritage language learners and the ability to teach language, literature and culture, as needed. The selected candidate will have some background or interest in interdisciplinary teaching and collaborative curriculum development. The candidate should possess native or near-native fluency in Spanish, evidence of successful teaching experience at the university level, and familiarity with and interest in innovative pedagogies for liberal arts education. The candidate should demonstrate an interest and/or experience in international education, such as study abroad.

Documents Required:
Application letter; Curriculum vitae; Statement of Research Interests; Teaching Philosophy; Student Evaluations; Contact Information for 3 References

Contact Information:
Application procedures available at

The Pennsylvania State University Department of History invites applications for a tenure-track position in the history of Modern Latin America (since 1800). The appointment will be made at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor, depending upon qualifications, and will begin in August 2016. The successful applicant should be able to enhance the graduate concentration in Latin American history, demonstrate an active research agenda, be able to contribute immediately to both graduate and undergraduate teaching in the department, and be ready to participate in the Latin American Studies program. Candidate must have a Ph.D. in hand at date of application. Prospective candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, a letter of application that describes current and future research, and evidence of teaching effectiveness at Applications may also include up to three offprints or unpublished papers or chapters. Please request three letters of reference be sent to Search Committee, Modern Latin America, Department of History, The Pennsylvania State University, 108 Weaver Building, University Park, PA 16802. Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2015, and continue until the position is filled.

Minimum Requirements: Ph.D.
Preferred Qualifications: Enhance graduate concentration in Latin American history
Documents Required:
Letter of Application to include current and future research, current curriculum vita, evidence of teaching effectiveness. Also send three letters of reference
Contact Information:
Search Committee, Modern Latin America, Dept. of History, Penn State University, 108 Weaver Building, University Park, PA 16802
Additional Information:
apply at

The Department of English at the University of Minnesota invites applications for an assistant professorship: tenure-track, 2/2 course load, begins fall semester 2016. Deadline: Oct 14, 2015
Minimum Requirements:
(1) PhD or equivalent degree in English or related field, with degree in hand by July 1, 2016; (2) evidence of primary expertise and high-quality work in American Literatures and Cultures; (3) evidence of additional expertise in one or more of the following: (a) race, ethnicity, immigration, diaspora; (b) US colonialism, post-colonialism, nationalism, imperialism, globalization; (c) U.S.-based literature/culture that are trans-Atlantic, trans-Pacific, or Caribbean; (d) Hemispheric Americas, with preferred expertise in Chicana/o literature; (e) genders and sexualities; (f) media theory, history, and analysis—print, mass, visual, digital, and/or social media; and (4) undergraduate teaching experience.

Preferred Qualifications:
significant scholarship in peer-reviewed venues (e.g., conferences, journals, edited collections, monographs); graduate-level teaching and advising; demonstrated potential for continued success as scholar and teacher.

Documents Required:
Provide a cover letter, a CV, 20-25 pages of your scholarly writing, and syllabi for two courses taught.

Contact Information:

nine-month academic year, tenure-track appointment with 65% teaching, 25% research, 5% advising and 5% service
University of Wyoming - Global & Area Studies Program

The successful candidate will be a Latin Americanist teacher-scholar, with interests in interdisciplinary work in the Social Sciences. Responsibilities will include teaching core classes for the program, such as Introduction to Global Studies, important regional classes, such as Introduction to Latin American Studies, and upper division and Masters-level classes in the candidate’s area of specialty. A successful research program must be established by the time of tenure. Preference for a focus on Development and/or Environment and Natural Resources.

Deadline: November 12, 2015

Minimum Requirements: Candidates should have their Ph.D. in a relevant Social Science or international interdisciplinary degree program at the time of appointment, August 2016. Additionally, candidates should have a demonstrated Latin American focus, teaching experience, and experience with research publications and/or presentations.

Preferred Qualifications: Preference for a demonstrated focus on Development and/or Environment and Natural Resources.

Documents Required: Submit a curriculum vitae, a letter of application that describes current and future research, evidence of teaching effectiveness and the names and contact information of three references to the provided contact information.

Applications via email preferred, paper accepted. Review of applications begins November 13, 2015. Complete applications received at that point will be given priority.

Contact Information:
Dr. David A. Messenger
Director, Global & Area Studies Program
University of Wyoming
Dept. 4299, 1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071-2000

Additional Information:
More information on the Global & Area Studies Program can be found here: 



Call for Proposals for Summer 2016
The Global Reach Area Studies Program is a new initiative of the Title VI International Area Studies Centers of the University of Illinois. Open to secondary school students (entering) grades 7-12 as well as recently graduated seniors, the program offers a diverse array of interdisciplinary international area studies courses for 6 weeks in June and July. A new program of the Center for Global Studies (CGS), Illinois-Northwestern African Studies Consortium (CAS-PAS), European Union Center (EUC), and Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), GRASP promotes global perspectives, foreign language learning, and cosmopolitan perspectives through an intensive program of academically challenging enrichment offerings.

This new program seeks to use experiential learning, critical pedagogy, and project-based approaches to blend international area studies with STEM, the humanities, social sciences, and the arts for a challenging (credit-bearing) summer college experience that will expand perspectives and give students an advantage in the global marketplace. The program offers four types of courses:
(1)    Intensive, immersion foreign language classes  (offered daily)
(2)    Intermediate International Area Studies classes across the disciplines
(3)    Advanced Area Studies classes across the disciplines
(4)    Practicums that combine area studies and cultural exploration learning with acquisition of research and/or skills for scientific inquiry, or training in the use of technology, grass roots organization, civic activism, etc.

GRASP requests proposals from faculty, advanced graduate students, and academic staff to develop and teach Intermediate, Advanced, and Practicum summer courses. Courses may focus on a single area (region) of the world (e.g., Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America), or take a more global approach (e.g., transnational movements, globalization, internationalization, etc.). Although we are interested in proposals that examine a particular topic, even in a particular culture (e.g., Manga in Japan or German Expressionist Film) courses that take project-based, hands-on approaches to explore transnational issues of global importance are preferred. Priority will be given to proposals that blend serious and advanced study of disciplines with the cultural exploration of real-world problems and dilemmas. We are looking for courses that examine contemporary problems that cross lines of disciplinary study. Some possible examples might include the following:

(1)    “Power Africa”—a course that blends the physics of electrical engineering and electrical grids with the social/political challenges of rural electrification in Africa
(2)    “English Education in Asia”—a course that examines the cultural, political, and economic drive to learn English as an International Language
(3)    “Rule of Law in China”—a cross-cultural comparative exploration of changes to China’s legal system with relation to democratic conceptions of civil society
(4)    “Sustainable Futures”—a course that blends agricultural education, biology, environmental politics, and food security

(5)     “Transnational Musical Movements”—an ethnomusicology approach combined with media and/or communication studies to explore the global impact of musical phenomena
(6)    “Comparative Literature: Poetry and Democratic Movements from Latin America to Asia”
(7)    “H2O, You Don’t Know?”—a course that combines the science and engineering of water purification with study of safe global water programs in developing Latin America, Asia, Africa, and other parts of the world
(8)    “Europe’s Ethnic Minorities in Schools”— a course blending education, sociology, religious studies, and political science
(9)                                    For examples of similar summer programs see:

4 –week Course Options:
·         Intermediate Courses are appropriate for middle school and younger high school students and meet for 8 sessions: 2 days/week for 2 hrs/day for a total for 16 contact hours (no college credit)
·         Advanced Courses are appropriate for high school students and meet for 12 sessions: 3 days/week for 2 hrs/day for a total of 24 contact hours (students can earn 3 college credits)
·         Practicums may be tailored to either middle school or high school audiences (but not both) and meet for 12 sessions: 3 days/week for 3 hrs/day for a total of 36 contact hours (students can earn 3 college credits)

GRASP encourages applicants to be inventive and interdisciplinary and to try new approaches with regard to the format of the course. Incorporating field experiences and visits to or work in University labs, museums, Institutes, and other centers of study are preferred, as are classes that require students to develop research and writing skills. Although courses should be academically rigorous, teachers should be mindful of the age of the audience when designing a course.

Faculty, lecturers/instructors, advanced graduate students, and Academic Staff (academic professionals) holding a PhD are eligible to submit proposals.

Proposals to develop and teach a course in the Summer 2016 GRASP program (roughly 6/15-7/30 with exact dates TBD) are currently being accepted. Length of proposed courses, audience, and contact hours may deviate from the prescribed rubric above provided that a good academic justification is given in the proposal. 


Stipends to develop and teach a GRASP course are based on instructor qualifications, experience, and type of course:
(1)    Intermediate Courses:
Faculty; lecturers/instructors/Academic Staff with PhDs: $3,500 Advanced Graduate students: $3,000

(2)    Advanced Courses:
Faculty; lecturers/instructors/Academic Staff with PhDs: $4,000 Advanced Graduate students: $3,500

(3)    Practicums:
Faculty; lecturers/instructors/Academic Staff with PhDs: $4,000

Advanced Graduate students: $3,500

Please use the following proposal format to prepare your submission. Proposals must be submitted electronically to:
Terri Gitler, by Friday, November 20, 2015.
Proposals will be reviewed by a committee of Area Studies Centers affiliate faculty and staff.

Ideas about the public (for example, as a constituted body, as an abstract idea, as a spatial realm, as a collective “audience” of discourse or performance) are in constant flux, and in constant circulation. Who is “the public?” How is a public or are multiple publics defined, articulated, shaped, enacted? How is the public domain configured, and how has the meaning of public domain shifted according to the demands of the market and a range of other forces? Who belongs in public space, and whither the public sphere? What rights define public life in various places and times? How is public life defined in relationship to its opposite? How has the notion of the public changed over time? What constitutes acceptable forms of public life now and in the past? How are ideas about the public tied to various notions of citizenship and belonging, or exclusion and discrimination? How may changing modes of circulation shape the social space of discursive publics?  How are various forms of social media shifting ideas about what constitutes public life, and public performance? And who is the “public” we imagine when we consider the “public humanities?”

IPRH welcomes applications from all disciplines and departments with an interest in humanities and humanities-inflected research. We invite applications from faculty and graduate students that focus on any aspect of “Publics.” The theme also provides an opportunity for artists to consider the relevance of “Publics” in their creative practice. IPRH is especially interested in fostering interdisciplinary work.
All Fellows are expected to maintain residence on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus during the award year, and to participate in IPRH activities, including the yearlong Fellows Seminar. 

Complete fellowship application guidelines for 2016–17 can be found on the IPRH website (Faculty / Graduate Students). Applications must be submitted through an online application portal.  No paper or emailed applications or letters of recommendation will be accepted.
The submission links are as follows:

Applications are invited from full-time, tenured or tenure-track U of I Urbana campus faculty members, and advanced graduate students engaged in dissertation/thesis preparation. Please see complete fellowship application guidelines (Faculty / Graduate Students) for full eligibility requirements. 

Faculty Fellows receive release time for one semester in residence, and $2,000 in research funds to be transferred to the faculty member’s departmental research account. (The department will be compensated $12,000 for releasing the faculty member; in the case of faculty members with two or more percentage appointments, these funds will be distributed in accordance with the department that holds the course offering/s).
Graduate Student Fellows receive a $10,000 stipend and a tuition and fee waiver.

The online application must be completed and submitted no later than midnight on December 4, 2015. Referees must submit their letters of reference by midnight on December 6, 2015.  IPRH strongly recommends, however, that submissions be made prior to 4:30 p.m. on the day of the application deadline, as staff will not be available to assist with troubleshooting after close of business on December 4.
For more information about the IPRH Faculty and Graduate Student Fellowship program, please visit IPRH on the web at Questions about the fellowships may be directed to Nancy Castro at
We are currently accepting proposals for the IIP International Grants Program. Each year, Illinois International offers funding to sponsor international conferences on the Urbana-Champaign campus, as well as international research travel by Illinois faculty. Proposal details and requirements can be found online: International Conference Grants | International Research Travel Grants
We encourage you to forward this message to your colleagues or departments you think would be interested in pursuing these opportunities. Proposals should be submitted electronically at (travel) and (conference). The deadline for proposals is November 2, 2015. If you have questions, please contact Julie Misa, Executive Director for Administration and Management, at (217) 333-9192 or




¡Celebración de la Herencia Hispana!

The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies  invites you to participate in the


2:00 - 3:30 pm
The Urbana Free Library, Children's Services
Come with your children to explore the culture of Latin American through a bilingual presentation, traditional art & crafts, music, and Tri-lingual storytelling in English-Spanish-Quechua, and English-Spanish-Portuguese!
§  Display tables: flags, art, crafts, information
§  Presentation: Exploring Latin American & the Caribbean's Hispanic Heritage
§  Traditional Latin American Music
§  Storytelling in
§  English-Spanish-Quechua
§  English- Spanish- Portuguese
§  Make traditional crafts
§  Learn to dance traditional Latin American music!

Co-Sponsored by Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies,  The Urbana Free Library ,  La Casa Cultural Latina.
For more information, please contact CLACS Outreach Coordinator, Alejandra Seufferheld (



 Trans-Pacific free trade deal agreed creating vast partnership

Rousseff reshuffles cabinet and gives more power to key ally PMDB and Temer

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Former Members of Mexico's PRD Launch New 'Leftist Movement'

The Asháninka: Illegal logging threatening Indigenous Rights and Sustainable Development in the Peruvian Amazon



Angelina Cotler, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
201 International Studies Building
910 S. Fifth Street
Champaign, IL 61820
Ph: (217) 333-8419
Fax: (217): 244-7333


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