Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5-11, 2015

The graduate minor in Latin American Studies will require the student to complete 12 graduate hours; 8 of the hours must be at the 500-level.
  • Area Coursework: A minimum of 8 graduate hours at the 400/500-level from courses in two different departments approved by CLACS every semester. The Center updates and posts approved courses in our website and announce them through our listserv. Our Center has approximately 104 faculty affiliated from different departments in campus, and we approve their courses as part of our curriculum. The Center will record the approved courses on a master list to be kept in the unit that will be used to certify that students took approved courses during their studies in the minor.
  • Language Component: At least 4 hours in language coursework taken in any Latin American language (Portuguese, Spanish or Native American Language or Haitian Creole) while enrolled in the Graduate Minor program.
  • In the case that not enough or advance language courses are offered, The Center also accepts as equivalent area courses taught in these languages, i.e. literature class taught in Portuguese or Spanish.
  • If the chosen language course is at the 400-or 500 level it may count towards the required 12 hours for Graduate Minor. We anticipate that students registering in the Minor already have knowledge of Latin American language.
  • If the Student's Master's thesis or doctoral dissertation deals with a country from Latin America and the Caribbean, we advise students in this minor to speak with their advisor about including a committee member from the minor area.
  • We recommend that the courses taken for the minor not be applied to course requirements in the students' Master's or PhD program
ARTH 546: Art & Conflict
How does conflict impact visual culture and artistic practice? What role does art play during a moment of conflict or crisis? In what ways might artistic interventions reveal histories hidden by conflict or mediate trauma?
 In this seminar we will examine a selection of artistic responses to conflict, politics, and trauma. Organized around 20th and 21st century events such as the Spanish Civil War, Mexico '68, September 11th in 1973 and 2001, and more recently, the militarization of the US/Mexico border, we will examine artistic response and mediation to specific sites of dramatic political and social change. We will discuss the work of artists such as Pablo Picasso, Luis Camnitzer, Francis Alÿs, Alfredo Jaar, Allora and Calzadilla, Emily Jacir, and Ai Weiwei all of whose practice mediates conflict and inequality.
FR 199: Introduction to Haitian Creole and Culture
Introduction to Haitian Creole and Culture: This intensive course is addressed to students interested in speaking, writing and reading basic Haitian Creole to learn basic survival skills in the language and gain a better understanding of the Iand's unique language, history and culture. Taught in English and Haitian Creole.
In five centuries since the arrival of Portuguese colonizers, Brazil has emerged as one of the largest, most economically significant and socially diverse countries in the world.  This course conducts an in-depth reading of culture, society, politics and economic development.  We will survey the historical trends in Brazilian society, such as its role as a center of the slave trade in the Americas.  Brazil’s experience as an independent nation during the nineteenth century (it became the only monarchy in the Americas) offers a provocative point of comparison to the history of republican nationhood elsewhere in the continent.  We will also examine the challenges associated with late industrialization and state-sponsored development.  Brazilian society is a mirror of our own in unexpected and remarkable ways.  The questions of identity framed in this course -- race, class and gender -- form the map of exclusion and integration of societies throughout the Americas, including the United States.  By studying Brazil in its historical specificity we explore questions of identity, modernity and society which are widely relevant.
Would you like to learn how to connect reading instruction to reading assessment? Are you searching for hands-on experience where you administer reading assessments to students and create and enact an individualized instructional plan catered specifically for your student? Are you interested in learning the best practices for phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension instruction? Would you like to consistently engage in discussions that demonstrate how instruction can be modified to cater to English learners? If your answer to any of the previous questions is “yes,” then Assessment-Based ReadingInstruction is meant for you.
·         ANTH 399 / HIST 396 / SPAN 399

Havana, Cuba

On-campus meetings: TBD
Program Dates Abroad: May 18 - June 12, 2015
Application Deadline: February 1, 2015

 This course introduces you to major issues in Cuban history and culture as you experience these through field site visits, lectures from local Cuban experts, and cultural immersion in the everyday context of Havana, particularly through the use of photography and film.

The course’s objectives are to 1. Introduce you to general aspects of Cuba’s history, political economy and current socio-cultural dynamics 2. Learn about classic and contemporary artistic and everyday manifestations of Cuban culture including food, dance, music, religion and film and 3. Teach you basic concepts and skills in ethnography, film and photography to creatively and critically represent their experience and perspectives of Cuban culture over the course of their stay.

This course appeals those with an interest in the following areas: Cuba, history and anthropology of Latin America and the Caribbean, art history, music, critical race and ethnic studies, literature, film, filmmaking and photography, health, food studies and agriculture, political science and economics, among others.
Lumbisi, Ecuador

On Campus Class Meetings: Second 8 weeks of Spring 2015 term; Mondays 5-7:30pm
Program Dates Abroad: June 28 - August 8, 2015
Application Deadline: February 1, 2015
The Center for Latin American and Caribbean studies invites faculty and graduate students (in the last stage of their dissertation writing) to present at the Lecture Series Spring 15
Lecture presentations take place in an informal, friendly, and supportive setting where you share any selected aspect of your academic research with graduate and undergraduate students and faculty. Our aim is not only to promote students but also to involve faculty to participate and share their work.
Typically the presenter speaks for 40 to 50 minutes and then invites audience for questions, comments and discussion.
Brown Bags presentations at CLACS are held on Thursdays from noon to 1:30pm in 101 International Studies Building, 910 South Fifth Street in Champaign.
CLACS can provide a lap top and a projector.
I schedule presenters on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are interested you can sign up for any of the following dates:
If interested contact Angelina Cotler (
Available Dates:
January 29
February  26
April  23, 30
FLAS Fellowships support graduate and undergraduate study in modern foreign languages in combination with area studies, international studies, or international or area aspects of professional studies.

FLAS Fellowships are administered by the University of Illinois National Resource Centers and are awarded competitively through an annual competition. Students from all departments and professional schools are encouraged to apply. Only U.S. citizens or residents.

For more information, please see the FLAS website at:
CLACS - FLAS fellowships may be used for the study of Quechua, or another Amerindian language, or Portuguese. Priority is given to the study of less commonly taught languages.
Under exceptional circumstances, advanced (or third-year) Spanish study may be allowed for graduate students.

Applicants are ineligible for support to study a language of which they are a native speaker.
Graduate students receive full tuition, mandatory fees, and a stipend of $15,000 during the academic year
Undergraduates receive $10,000 towards tuition and fees and a stipend of $5,000 during the academic year.
Summer awards cover full tuition for a summer language program as well as required Illinois fees and a $2,500 stipend.
Combined tuition and Illinois fees can’t exceed $5,000. In some cases, a travel award may also be made.
For more information on Fellowships, please see the Illinois FLAS Fellowship website
For more information contact Alejandra Seufferheld-

Are you interested in exploring a research project in Latin America during the summer  of 2015?
The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies offers summer fellowships for graduate students (from any nationality) in any discipline who haven’t pass their prelims or qualifying exams yet
Information Meeting: Friday January 30 at 12pm in Room 200 International Studies Building
Information and requirements about the fellowship:
DeadlineMONDAY February 23, 2015
Any questions contact Angelina Cotler, Associate Director.
The Lemann Institute of Brazilian Studies offers fellowships to UIUC graduate students doing research about Brazil. For the academic year 2015-2016, fellowships will pay $18,000.00. The Lemann Graduate Fellows will have tuition and fee waivers from LAS units and participating professional schools. Applicants should check with their Departments and Schools to verify that their home units offer tuition waivers. The number of awards varies year to year and may depend on the strength of the applications received.
Deadline to apply: Monday February 24th, 2014
Any questions contact Elis Artz
Thanks to the generous support of Professors Joseph Love (History-Emeritus) and Werner Baer (Economics), the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies announces the competition  for TWO fellowships to graduate students working in Latin America.
WHO CAN APPLY: Any graduate student who is enrolled in a Ph.D. program and is already ABD or has pass their prelims or qualifying exams , from any department, from any nationality.
REQUIREMENTS: Research for at least minimum 4 weeks either on summer or during the academic year.
REPORT: Students should report the donors within a month of their return from Latin America.  If the students are going to the field for the first time, they should participate in the Tinker workshop held in late October every year.
RESTRICTIONS: Grant money cannot be used for conference or course registration, or for intensive language workshops or field schools. The subject of investigation may be related to dissertation research
It is acceptable to use other grants in conjunction with this grant.
  • Submit 1 PDF electronically to Angelina Cotler (
  • Write in the subject Line: Love & Kilby Fellowships  
  • Deadline:  MONDAY, MARCH 9TH, 2015
The LAS Global Studies program requests proposals for one-creditundergraduate seminars that introduce a problem or challengeconfronting societies today and engage students in initial research anddiscussion on pathways to address the issue. The seminars shouldpromote interdisciplinary thinking and perspective that has globalscope. Recent seminar topics include:  International Humanitarian Intervention; Understanding Global Water Issues; Microfinance and Waron Poverty; Environmental Justice; Ethics & Debate of Immigration Reform; and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation.
The seminars assist Global Studies majors in defining their Thematic corearea within their major and lay the foundation for senior capstoneprojects. The seminars also attract students of other majors who areinterested in the topic. The seminars can offer instructors, includingadvanced graduate students, an innovative teaching experience withintheir area of specialization.
Candidates with current appointment with the University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign campus in one of the following employmentcategories may submit proposals electronically to: Tim Wedig, by Monday, February 2, 2015.
·                     Tenured and tenure-track Faculty,
·                     Specialized Faculty (PhD preferred),
·                     Emeritus Faculty,
·                     Academic Professionals (Master’s required, PhD preferred)
·                     Advanced graduate students in good standing in a UIUCgraduate program. Preference given to graduate students whohave not taught GLBL 296 before, although exceptions may beconsidered by the Faculty Advisory Committee.
Qualified candidates who do not fall into any of the above categories maysubmit an application through HireTouch by Monday, February 2, 2015.
Proposals for Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 terms are currently being accepted. Proposed seminars may be offered for full term or duringeither first or second 8-week period within a term.
Stipends to develop and teach a GLBL 296: Global Studies Foundation Seminarare $3500 for faculty and $3000 for graduate students. Faculty/instructors mayexplore the possibility of earning credit towards on- load teaching.
More Information on GS Seminars
For a listing of previous GS Foundation seminars, see:  If you are interested in faculty feedback from recent 296 instructors, e-mail Tim Wedig,

For more information on the Global Studies major requirements, see:   Specificquestions regarding these seminars and proposals may be directed to Tim Wedig, Associate Director of LAS Global Studies:
Proposal Format and Due Date
Please use the following proposal format to prepare your submission,including the proposal form, a draft syllabus, and a cv/resume by Monday,February 2, 2015.
Proposals are reviewed by the LAS Global Studies Faculty AdvisoryCommittee on the basis of course content, global relevance and perspective,and estimated student interest.

Regional Faculty Associates engaged in Latin American/Caribbean research projects or conference presentations are eligible to compete for modest travel funds each year. The deadline date appears on the Description/Criteria document and below.
Regional Faculty engaged in Latin American/Caribbean research projects, conference presentations or conference attendance are eligible to compete for modest (up to $500) travel funds each cycle. Funded with Federal Title VI Grant monies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Chicago, all designated as U.S. Department of Education (US/ED) National Resource Centers and working collaboratively, these awards are for Latin Americanist and Caribbeanist faculty with an appointment at a two or four year, public or private institution in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota or Iowa.
For Regional Faculty Associates of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee this is an expansion of the existing research-travel grant program adding several more award allocations.
NOTE: Funding is intended for faculty at other regional campuses beyond the three sponsoring universities.
Upcoming Deadlines:
January 12, 2015 (for travel February to mid-July, 2015) **
Future Deadlines (information posted after January 12, 2015):
May 15, 2015 (for travel after August 15, 2015 to mid-February, 2016) **
December 15, 2015 (for travel mid-February, 2016 to mid-July, 2016) **
**US/ED travel restrictions apply
26 February 2015
London, United Kingdon
By bringing together scholars of ALBA from various disciplines – with levels of analysis from the micro to the macro – this one-day conference will address not only ALBA’s achievements and innovations, but also its difficulties and tensions, asking: what can be learnt from its achievements so far? What are its prospects for the future? And what are the implications both theoretical and practical for the region and beyond?
Proposal deadline: 21 January 2015
April 17-18, 2015
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
The aim of this student-organized gathering is to develop an interdisciplinary network of scholars working in the growing field of Andean Studies, as well as to help foster a mentoring relationship between established and emerging scholars. The event aims to provide a space for scholars to share their research through paper presentations and roundtable discussions, and hopes to showcase the increasing number of scholars in the US conducting research in and about the Andes. By Andean studies, we want to refer to the whole Andean region, including rural and urban areas of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia, as well as Argentina and Chile, and engaging in a wide distribution of topics. 

In addition, the event also aims to connect scholarship with initiatives of indigenous language and culture advocates. In this spirit, a range of Quechua advocates will present on topics that explore the intersections of indigenous languages of the Andes and media and activism, language pedagogy, literature, and community organizing. 

Papers from any theoretical perspective that examine any aspect of the Andes are welcomed, including but not restricted to: cultural studies, cultural policy, literature, indigenous studies, language planning and policy, bilingual education, decolonization, colonial studies, anthropology, sociology, cultural heritage, political science, linguistics, media studies, critical race theory, ethnomusicology, and history. 

Please submit a paper title and 200-250 words abstract to prof. Américo Mendoza Mori at . Responses will be made available by February 15th to all who submitted.
Proposal deadline: January 25, 2015
Contact information:
April 3, 2015 
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
Keynote Speaker: Daniella Gandolfo (Anthropology, Wesleyan University) 

Scholars of Latin America have documented processes of urbanization, not only in terms of the growth of mega-cities, but also in the transformations of the countryside. They have considered how the organization of urban space, politics and society takes shape in relation to the city’s outside or margins, as well as transnational norms, flows and networks. In her work on late twentieth-century Lima, Peru, Prof. Gandolfo analyzes how urban forces of disorder and contradiction resist incorporation into rational understandings of the state and neoliberal governance. In 2013, Colombian farmers took to the streets of Bogotá to protest agricultural policies enacted in the wake of free trade agreements. The farmers were supported by many city-dwelling students who called themselves “descendants of the campesinos” demonstrating the proximity between political processes internal to the city and its “hinterlands.” The port cities of Havana and Veracruz provide historical examples of how cities were formed in relationship to networks of exchange and the flow of goods; the two cities maintained such a close relationship of trade in the colonial period that their functions began to mirror one another. In these and other examples, the stable boundaries of urban space are put into question by something that is seen to be outside or beyond itself—be it disorder and excess, its margins or “hinterlands,” or transnational economies. 

We invite scholars from all disciplines and stages of their careers to reflect on the changing political, social, economic and physical landscape of the Latin American city, particularly as it is transformed in relation to its “outside” and at the nexus of colonial and postcolonial historical processes. 

Suggested Topics: 

Boundaries between the urban and the rural • Cosmopolitanism and globalization • The city as "local" space • Marginality • Radical politics • Human rights • Citizenship • Social movements • Identity • Violence • Police • Bureaucracy • Environment and resources • Consumption • Food Security • Public health • Urban planning and renewal • Race • Visual and performing arts • Literary circles • Pre-colonial and colonial history • Migration and diaspora
Proposal deadline: January 16, 2015
Contact information:
Additional information: 
Please e-mail a title, an abstract (about 200 words), academic affiliation, and contact information in a word document to
11 and 12 June, 2015, 
Paris, France
Cuba is going through an intense period of change, driven by reforms to lift the country out of the economic crisis that began in the 1990s. This process of change accelerated with the arrival to the presidency of Raúl Castro in 2008. In the same period, Cuba’s international integration has increased, through the role it plays in international organizations, the multiplication of bilateral agreements with countries in South America but also with Russia and China, and the re-negotiation of relations with the European Union within a context of questioning the "Common Position". 

Social science research on Cuba carried out in France and in Europe, is multiplying, although remains scattered. Our ambition is to propose a multidisciplinary forum for exchange and reflection, including young and senior researchers from France and Europe, about the ways in which the changes in Cuba can be analysed. Through this meeting, we will try to generate a dialogue between quantitative and qualitative approaches, micro and macro, "committed" research and that integrated into the academic setting, in a thoughtful approach to the changes in Cuba based upon field work. We will also welcome work from historical perspectives, and other branches of the social sciences, which are interrogating the current dynamics in Cuba. 

Our thoughtful approach will adopt two orientations: 

At the methodological level, this conference will question the practice of research in the social sciences. How does the researcher access data, and how does his/her own experience affect their analysis? How is macro and micro research articulated, transparently or hidden? What of case studies, personal testimonies and stories of the small and ordinary? Is there a significant gap between ordinary practices and policy decisions and how to approach to epistemlogical and methodological level? 

In the analytical and conceptual field, we will try to reflect on the interpretations of what, it is said that changes in the light of the key words of the debate in Cuba: Is it only 'invention', a term in Cuba in the daily practices aimed more generally at solving very specific problems? Can we talk about 'innovation, social, political, economic, ecological, etc., referring to a creative adaptation of structural frameworks, which have kept changing and adjusting since their introduction in the 1960s? Later, we will consider these initiatives, in themselves and their effects. Are they effecting a 'renewal' - or 'update' to use an official term – of the Cuban socialist system? How are research and development positions built? Are they constructed on epistemological and methodological grounds or upon conviction? To whom they are intended? 

This conference will have three levels of analysis:
  1. The experiences of the actors in the context of current changes: inventions, innovations? What people do, what initiatives - daring, investment, solidarity, participation, cooperation, culture - to take advantage of open spaces for institutional change? What are the means to achieving that? How do the actors found during field work set out their experiences, initiatives and projects? How does they position themselves relative to social change in Cuba and relative to the reforms promoted by the government? Do they make reference to "new" values and norms or values and norms that might call "revolutionary"? What are the expressions of response; can we talk about creativity in terms of political and cultural participation? How can the researcher interpret what they hear, see and observe? How does this stand out against other scales of change?
  2. The political-economic, legal and social reforms, their effects and modes of enunciation: renovation and update? How are the reforms designed and implemented by the political and economic actors? What are the legal texts that accompany them? What are the effects on social cohesion, economic entities and balance of political power, and how are these effects are considered? What are the forms of solidarity, cooperation and integration that arise and develop to address, among other things, the restructuring of the labour market and forms of economic production, the increasing inequality and situations of poverty, the needs of the elderly and the dislocation of families? What are the innovations in the field of social policy and assistance? Is the research responding to these reforms? In this case, on what basis? Can one place oneself at the service of public policy?
  3. Regional and global integration. What is the foreign policy of Cuba in its international agreements, scientific and medical collaborations, humanitarian development aid programmes and cultural programmes and how are they built locally by specific actors and institutions? How do these contribute to producing, accompanying and influencing the ongoing transformations? What is the role of regional and international organizations in these exchanges? What is the researcher's work at this level?
Proposal deadline: 
Please send your paper proposal no later than January 10, 2015, giving us: 

- An extensive curriculum of about 5000 characters mentioning the research work done in / on Cuba and proposing a reflective perspective according to the guidelines set described above (methodological, analytical and conceptual); 

- About ten lines of bio-bibliography (in French, Spanish or English) 

Responses will be sent on February 20, 2015, with a programme proposal. Oral presentations will be in English or Spanish. 

It is considered to publish the conference proceedings in the International Journal of Cuban Studies. A call for texts to be sent at the end of the conference.
Contact information:
Additional information: 
Scientific Committee: Janice Argaillot, Université de Grenoble 3 –Stendhal ; Claes Brundenius, Research Policy Institute, University of Lund, Sweden ; Sabrina Doyon, Université de Laval, Québec, Canada ; Hortense Faivre d’Arcier, UMR 8138 - IRICE – université Paris 1 ; Marie Laure Geoffray, IHEAL-CREDA- CNRS UMR 7227 ; Janette Habel, Institut des relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS) ; Marta Nuñez Sarmiento, Centro de Estudios de Migraciones Internacionales (CEMI), Universidad de La Habana, Cuba ; Pedro Monreal, UNESCO ; Karel Negrete, Universidad de La Habana et Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense ; Pierre Salama, Centre d’économie de Paris Nord, CEPN/ CNRS-UMR 7115 ; Jacques Sapir, CEMI-EHESS ; Yves Sintomer, Université Paris VIII ; Nelson Vallejo Gomez, Programme scientifique Amériques FMSH ; Ana Vera Estrada, Instituto Cubano de Investigación Cultural Juan Marinello, Cuba ; Angelica Wehrli, University of Lucerne, Switzerland; Stephen Wilkinson, King's College London, Institute for the study of Cuba, Great Britain. 

Organisational committee: Blandine Destremau, IRIS EHESS ; Nils Graber, EHESS-CERMES 3 ; Jérôme Leleu, EHESS-CEMI ; Marie-Laure Geoffray, IHEAL-CREDA- CNRS UMR 7227 ; Janette Habel, Institut des relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS) ; Stephen Wilkinson, King's College London, Institute for the Study of Cuba.
·         Lecturer in Latin American History- Smith College
The Department of History and the Program in Latin American and Latino/a Studies invite applications for a two-year, non-tenure track joint position as Lecturer in Latin American history. This is a full-time, benefits-eligible appointment with a five-course annual teaching load, beginning fall 2015. 

Period, region, and specialization open. The successful candidate must be prepared to teach semester-long colonial and national history surveys that form the basis of the Latin American Studies major, but will also have the opportunity to teach more specialized courses related to her/his research interests. Ph.D. or ABD status required. 

Located in Northampton, MA, Smith College is the largest women's college in the country and is dedicated to excellence in teaching and research across the liberal arts. A faculty of outstanding scholars interact with students in small classes, as advisors, and through student-faculty research projects. The Five College Consortium, comprised of Smith, Amherst, Mount Holyoke, and Hampshire Colleges and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, provides a rich intellectual and cultural life. 

Submit application at with a letter of application, CV, unofficial graduate transcripts, 2 syllabi (one for either the colonial or national survey), a writing sample of approximately 40 pages (an article, dissertation chapter, or book chapter), and 3 confidential letters of recommendation. Review of applications will begin February 1, 2015. 

Smith College is an EO/AA/Vet/Disability Employer. Women, minorities, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Deadline: Review of applications will begin February 1, 2015
Minimum Requirements: Ph.D. or ABD status required
Documents Required:
Letter of application, CV, unofficial graduate transcripts, 2 syllabi (one for either the colonial or national survey), a writing sample of approximately 40 pages (an article, dissertation chapter, or book chapter), and 3 confidential letters of recommendation
Contact Information:
·         Postdoctoral Lecturer, Center for Latin American Studies. University of Chicago

The University of Chicago Center for Latin American Studies invites applications for a postdoctoral position as a Lecturer in Latin American Studies to begin in Autumn 2015. The Latin American Studies Program includes an interdisciplinary M.A. Program in Latin American Studies serving students with research interests in social sciences and humanities, and a B.A. major in Latin American Studies that has a social sciences emphasis. Recent PhDs (within the past six years) in the humanities, social sciences, or area studies who deal with Latin American issues are encouraged to apply. Relevant disciplines include sociology, political science, anthropology, history, literature, and media studies. The successful candidate will teach an M.A. Proseminar (meets over two quarters), advise M.A. students, and will develop one graduate/undergraduate course and two undergraduate-only courses in their own specialty. This is a twelve-month appointment. The appointment is for one year, with the possibility of renewal for a second year dependent upon performance review. The Lecturer in Latin American Studies is responsible for:
  • In collaboration with Latin American Studies faculty, teaching the M.A. Proseminar, a graduate-level academic seminar designed to give incoming Latin American Studies M.A. students a critical understanding of the major theoretical approaches, principal research methods, and current trends in Latin American Studies and to help students develop the proposal for their master’s thesis.
  • Teaching one undergraduate/graduate course in the incumbent’s field of expertise.
  • Teaching two undergraduate-only courses in the incumbent's field of expertise.
  • General academic and career advising of M.A. students in Latin American Studies.
  • Directing individual B.A. Papers and M.A. theses, as needed.
Deadline: February 28, 2015
Minimum Requirements: All requirements toward the PhD degree must be completed by August 31, 2015. Teaching experience is required.
Preferred Qualifications: The ideal candidate will be able to give theoretical and methodological advice to master’s level students with a broad range of social science and humanities interests.
Documents Required: To apply for this position, please go to the University of Chicago Academic Career Opportunities website and select requisition #02425. Applicants are required to upload the following materials – cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching statement, dissertation abstract, reference contact information, and up to three writing samples/publications. Under separate cover, please have three letters of recommendation sent to the Center for Latin American Studies, 5848 South University Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637.
Contact Information:
Additional Information: To receive full consideration, all application materials must be received by February 28, 2015.
·         Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Latin American/Brazilian Art/Architecture - Brown University
The Departments of the History of Art and Architecture, Hispanic Studies, History, Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, John Carter Brown Library and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies invite applications for a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship offered by the Cogut Center for the Humanities at Brown University for a term of two years beginning in July 2015. 

Applicants will have received a Ph.D. within the past five (5) years from an institution other than Brown in the fields of Brazilian, Spanish Latin American or Caribbean art, architecture or visual culture. Cogut fellows will participate in the activities of the Center and teach two courses each year (cross-listed in each of our departments, as appropriate). The term of the fellowship is two years. 

The particular sub-fields and time periods for this position are open to all Brazilian, Spanish Latin American, and Caribbean art, architecture and visual culture. Specialists in early modern, modern and contemporary are encouraged to apply. We are particularly interested in scholars who would approach the subject through non-traditional approaches to visual culture and the built environment, and who would capitalize on new theoretical models relating to gender and embodiment in traditional or contemporary art, urban planning, arts and cultural literacy in the construction of a Brazilian or Latin American social imaginary, contemporary art practices and their relationship to memory and tradition, and/or varied architectural responses to Western building techniques and ideologies. We can also envision courses that examine the historical dimensions of Brazilian, Spanish Latin American, and Caribbean cultures and their expression in art and architecture, as well as the conditions and experiences of artists developing their work in the contemporary Latin American post–colonial state. 

Stipend: $61,449 and $63,907 in the first and second years plus a $2,000 research fund. 

Brown University is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive academic global community; as an EEO/AA employer, Brown considers applicants for employment without regard to, and does not discriminate on the basis of, gender, race, protected veteran status, disability, or any other legally protected status.
Deadline: January 15, 2015
Minimum Requirements: Ph.D with the past 5 years
Preferred Qualifications: Fields of Brazilian, Spanish Latin American or Caribbean art, architecture or visual culture.
Documents Required: CV, cover letter, three (3) letters of recommendation
Contact Information:
Additional Information: Brown University History of Art and Architecture department 
Brazil's Dilma Rousseff sworn in for a second term
Maduro launched an economic recovery plan that details are awaited
Rafael Correa of ​​Ecuador deepens dependence on China
Remembering Guatemala’s First Genocide Conviction as the Trial Resumes Today
Mujica's wife will run for mayor of Montevideo, Uruguay's main electoral base
Chile will proceed with the proposed partial decriminalization of abortion
Angelina Cotler, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
201 International Studies Building
910 S. Fifth Street
Champaign, IL 61820
Ph: (217) 333-8419
Fax: (217): 244-7333

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